Friday, March 18, 2016

Thankful Thursday

written: March 17th

I am thankful…
1.       That I was in a place and a time that I was able to help a little Vesper Sparrow when he struck the glass at my elementary school Wednesday.
2.       That the wasp that fell on my head and became tangled in my hair didn’t sting me or David (when David clapped it to death).
3.       Coupons for Michael’s craft store – I got 50% off of a set of 20 Staedtler fineliner pens.  ::does a happy dance::
4.       The journal swap I’m hosting…it’s really sparked my creativity in art journaling once more.
5.       Slowly but surely progress on the house front (even if that means more and more money being sucked out of us).  Right now I’m just ready for this to all be over and done with and become a distant memory that I can laugh about. 
6.       That my Mom decided to say “fuck it” and went on a solo road trip to visit Graceland.  Even though this has seriously sparked my own wander lust hard core.  ::laughs::  I’m just thrilled she went and had a blast.
7.       Beautiful weather here recently.  Even with the random storms here and there, the weather has been stunning all the same.
8.       That all the simple meals I’ve cooked thus far this week (and I’ve done a lot more cooking than usual), have turned out very good.  Gives me the necessary encouragement to continue doing this.
9.       Spring Break from the university this week.  It’s been nice to catch my breath.  Soon it will be back to the grind, but I am enjoying it for the time being.
10.   I am closing in on my 10th anniversary of being self-injurious behavior free.  Not sure what I’m going to do to celebrate, but I feel it should be something big.  ::smiles::

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