Sunday, May 31, 2020

Catching Up

Wow it has been ages since I’ve written here. Even writing in “daily” journal has been a bit hit and miss.

So we are gonna go with bullet points to get caught up on everything, because that’s about all my brain can handle at the moment.

• My newest niece was born May 25th. She, like her older sister, decided that the due date just didn’t work for her and opted instead to make her grand entrance a couple of weeks early. She’s happy and healthy and everyone is doing great. So from here on out, there is Lil Nephew, Lil Niece, and now Littlest Niece. ::smiles::
• My Library resumes our regular hours tomorrow. We are all still wearing our masks (mandated by the City AND the company that actually employs us. Yeah, I’m already planning to wear a mask until there is a working, well-distributed vaccine. I’ll be buying some “cool” masks, since it’s looking like I’ll be wearing one until December. So fuck it. Might as well have fun with it.
• Got called in to have a meeting with my Director and our HR personnel regarding my absences due to migraines. I was terrified that I was getting fired, but instead, it was my Director wanting to make sure they were doing everything they could to help me and that they weren’t making things worse for me. Yeah, I totally broke down in tears over that. I seriously do like my job, so it was nice to know that they wanted to make sure I was happy working there.
• I had an appointment with my doc to discuss my increased migraines and my depression as well. Now I have a migraine preventative, a migraine buster (to be taken at the first onset of migraine warnings, to hopefully stop the migraine from manifesting), and then pain killers in case the buster doesn’t work. And we’ve increased my mood stabilizer. Hopefully that will reign in my depression and NSSI impulses (still haven’t cut, thank goodness). I have a follow up appointment at the end of June to check in on how everything is going and to see if anything else needs to be tweaked.
• COVID-19 related – thus far, me and my family are all healthy and safe. Fingers crossed we all stay that way.
• I’ve had to step away from Facebook. Seeing all of videos and photos and firsthand accounts of the absolutely despicable things the police are doing to the protestors? And the shit people are saying, defending the violence the police are enacting on unarmed civilians? It fucking makes me sick. It’s been a while since I’ve used my block and snooze button as much as I have in the past 48 hours.
• And I’m absolutely terrified for my friends who are taking part in the protests. Terrified, but also, so fucking proud of them. Needless to say, there will be a lot of protection prayers and spells for all of the protestors.
• I’m even more terrified for the way I see things headed. If the police are willing and eager to do all of this violence against civilians, reporters, and MEDICS…all on live streaming video? And the fact that quite a few cities have announce the use of live ammunition? You can only push people so far. And do this in the middle of a goddamn pandemic, when our fuck-ass country is the hardest hit??? REALLY?? I don’t have to be a fucking psychic to see how this is going to play out.

1 comment:

  1. glad your job is doing all they can for you. Migraines suck. I am glad that you are getting new meds for them to. Have a blessed day
