Friday, June 19, 2015

Finished with a Bang

written: Wednesday, June 17th

Yesterday was a pretty slow, uneventful day at the Tech Job. We were just charging up the various schools’ iPads to 50%. So that involved a LOT of downtime. When we broke for lunch I made sure to pay my GRE study book for the second half of the day. And I managed to get through four-and-a-half chapters – all on the Verbal Section of the GRE – basically what to expect and how to tackle the questions in the various sub-sections. All in all, I got about three-and-a-half hours of studying done, while being paid $10 an hour. Woohoo! Not too shabby! If this keeps up, I could be ready to take the test in about four to six weeks no problem. It all depends on how the Math Section goes. That’s what I am most anxious about.

We are getting MORE rain. Not like we got 15+ inches last month (typically we get about FOUR inches for the month of May). So there are all sorts of flash flood warnings across the state yet again. Don’t get me wrong – I love rain. But at this point, the ground can’t absorb one more drop of water and most (if not ALL) of the lakes, rivers, ponds, and reservoirs are well above capacity. We simply have too much water at this point – something I never thought Texas would be able to say without a HUGE dose of sarcasm.

We had some major excitement at the apartment complex last night. I noticed flashing police lights when I took Holly (dog) out. I saw two squad cars with two officers canvasing the wooded area on the east side. David decided we need to go to Starbucks (at the time, he didn’t know about the cops)…and that’s when we saw the rest of the squad cars – FOURTEEN in total. And the officers were all wearing body armor. And one officer had an M16 strapped to his back – I called it an AK because my assault rifle knowledge is VERY limited....ex-Ranger husband swiftly corrected me. Ha!

So we opted to take our time at Starbucks. When we decided to finally head home…a Canine Unity had joined the crowd. I later found out via FaceBook that there had been a “domestic incident” at the East Zone of our apartment complex and the suspect had fled into that wooded area. Needless to say, we stayed inside with the doors locked. After all, there have been numerous “domestic incidents” at our apartment complex over the nine or so years that I’ve been here....but I’ve NEVER seen a police response anywhere near this level. So yeah, I didn’t have any desire to accidentally get involved in this situation. Yeah..not my fight, not my business – so count me completely out. I have no desire to end up on the evening news.

Again, it just drives home how much our apartment community has deteriorated. And makes us even LESS inclined to interact on any level with any of our “neighbors”.

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