Wednesday, July 24, 2024

An Angry Witch

I’m moody as fuck.  So you’ve been warned.

Watched this cool video on how a fellow witch plans/maps out how she’s going to utilize a bound book to be her Book of Shadows.  And I LOVE the idea.  I mean, for my Bullet Journaling, when setting up for a new month, I write out what each page will be in pencil first before going over it with pen.  Which is pretty much how she was laying out her various Books of Shadows.

But, the bulk of what she’s putting in her BoS is not stuff I would have in mine.  Which then sent me down the whole “why isn’t my witchcraft like everyone else’s?  why do I have to be the special witch out here doing shit that no one else does?”.

Which THEN sent me on the “then obviously there is a NEED for me to document and share my witchcraft, so other people have some fucking variety”.  But then what right do I have to do this when I’m barely even DOING witchcraft?  Do I really want to be one of those armchair witches?  Preaching all the things, but not DOING said things.

So now I’m sitting here, pissed the fuck off at mainstream witchcraft.  I’m pissed the fuck off at my own “lack” of witchcraft.  So I’m just sitting here stewing about what I’m going to do about all of this.

Wish me luck!  ::chuckles::

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