Monday, May 13, 2013

No Cuddles!

ART: Nooo, I don't want to be cuddled!
ARTIST: wind-princess

Yep, that sums me up most of the time.  *laughs*  I just love the expression on the face of the bottom wolf.  Hilarious, I tell you.

Eh, I don't write much any more.  I'm usually wrapped up in the 365 Photo Challenge or the Project Life.  And thus, I don't get around to writing like I used to.  I remember now that any time I'm doing the 365 Photo Challenge, my writing seriously lags behind.  I don't have the mania anymore to fuel doing both.

My creativity went on sabbatical there for a while.  I couldn't even get motivated to paint backgrounds in any of my journals.  I generally have anywhere from two to six journals going at a time, so I can bounce around whichever one strikes my fancy.  Nothing was done in any of my journals for weeks.  It was getting sad, seeing them laying there, collecting dust instead of thoughts and memories.  But I'm happy to say that I'm slowly regaining that spark again.  I'm mostly just making backgrounds, but hey.  It's better than nothing!

Got the official invitation to my lil brother's wedding.  Hard to believe he'll be a married man in 9 weeks.  In the meantime, I've got to find a dress!  I'm hoping to get a red one, as I know I look good in that color.  Plus, I can wear the shoes and jewelry I wore to my wedding with it.  *grins*  Gotta love that. 

I'd like to be a little thinner (ok, a LOT thinner), but I'm not seeing that happen too much.  Mom did buy me a walking DVD that she uses that she says isn't too stressful on her knee.  I'm going to give that a go when it arrives.  And I'm making it a point, starting today, to walk Holly through the wooded trails each day.  It's more than double what I normally walk her, so that should help out some.  And I need to try out the yoga DVD I have.  I can't keep letting myself get heavier and heavier.  The toll it's taking on my bad knee is making me more aware of the excess weight I'm carrying.  I'm also making it a point to drink more water.

Hmm, and I think that's it for my babbling.
For now.  *grins and winks*

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