Friday, March 19, 2021

Day Off

 written: March 18

Man, having yesterday off was pure GLORIOUS time.  I got so much stuff done that I had been putting off and putting off.  I figured out what works best for me to accomplish big tasks.  I need to break them down into smaller tasks and cycle from each little task as my interest wanes.  I mean, yeah it takes me all day to accomplish the Big Tasks, but I get all of the Big Tasks done at the end of the day without feeling completely beat down, and I get MORE Big Tasks done than if I had forced myself to focus on one until it was done before moving onto the next one.  Now I just need to figure out how to translate that over to work.

Speaking of work...since I ditched out yesterday, that means I missed the Youth Department meeting.  ::shrugs::  Don't care.  But quasi-supervisor came over to fill me in on the big changes.  It actually went really well and very smoothly.  My whole "I don't give a fuck any more" mentality has really helped to retract my claws and fangs...for now.

So the big change is that Director has decided that I should take over the Take It Make It kits (monthly craft kits) completely.  This does mean I will be on camera, but they are 100% fine with it being just focused on my hands and the crafts and not having to show my face (to help keep a certain psycho ex from popping back up into my life).  I'm 100% responsible for coming up with the ideas, putting the kits together (with Jayden's help), and putting on the recording (with Clarissa's help).  And surprisingly, I'm really looking forward to this.  It finally let's me stretch MY creativity and puts me in the driver's seat.  I get full reign of this program, and I'm excited about the autonomy finally.  It's going to be intense, because the library is going to be closed part of our summer programing time, so it's all going to be crushed into a smaller time frame.  But I'm looking forward to showing them just what I can do, if they will just LET me do it my damn way.

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