Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Mabon and the Inner Wolf

Blessed Mabon/Autumn Equinox (which was yesterday). Yeah, I’m a little late. Wasn’t really feeling it, but went ahead and held my lil ceremony and did a Tarot reading specifically for this Holy Day.

I’ll add in photos of my altar (rather liked how it turned out), and may or may not add in the Tarot reading. I’ve got the bare bones down (what card means what, and what the position means), but haven’t fleshed it out just yet. Hopefully I can get to that this week.

But I do like these new Tarot cards, which is unusual. Generally speaking, me and Tarot just do not get along. *shrugs* Maybe that is finally changing! That would be nice.

Still having a blast in my on-line Traditional Witchcraft group (as opposed to the neo-Wiccan groups). I feel more at home with them than I do with Wicca, as I do a lot of shadow/nocturnal work that most Wiccans would label as “black magic”. *shrugs* I don’t see it that way.

But then again, how many of them view Lucifer as a good guy?

And just to clarify, Lucifer and Satan and the Devil are not one and the same beings/creatures. I’ve had no dealings with Satan/Devil, so I can’t speak on that.

But Lucifer.....he’s interesting. May or may not delve more into that later.

And not to slam Wiccans there. I’m in an on-line Wiccan group, too. Shamanistic group as well. I just don’t have any desire to meet a group in person at this time. Heck, I can’t even get motivated to go to some of these self-defense groups I’ve seen on just yet.

I’ll get there eventually.

I feel like I’m coming out of the shadows once more. Feeling more comfortable in my own skin. Even if I am avoiding eye contact like the plague. Not sure what’s going on there. But it is what it is. And I’m just rolling with it right now.

Autumn always does this to me. While others are shutting down and going into hibernation mode, I’m just waking up. I can feel the blood pumping in my heart and my veins. I feel so alive and strong. I feel the fur and fang and hear the fierce song of my own spirit in my ears once more. I want to run out under the sun and play in the woods.

Doesn’t help that I’m dreaming of Werewolves once more. * miles toothily*

Oh I wasn’t made for this human form.
I long for one more lupine in nature.

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