Saturday, August 3, 2024

::happy fist shakes::

Oh holy shit, you guys! The author of The Complete Encyclopedia of Egyptian Deities did a shout out for my video flip through of her book. That has been the highlight of this week! ::happy fist shakes::

I mean, the rest of the week can go play in traffic, but this? This is AMAZING and I’m beyond thrilled. I will admit that I had a moment of panic, because I have no idea what I said exactly in the video. So I scrambled to go back and rewatch it, but naw, it’s all good.

And I still stand my opinion that this book is worth its weight in GOLD. And with it being a heckin’ BIG book? That’s a whole lotta gold, I tell ya. ::chuckles::

P.S. If you wanna see said video: 

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