Sunday, April 22, 2012

Leviathan Shed!

Leviathan (my female lavender corn snake) shed yesterday and I actually got to see it, start to finish.  A first for me and very cool.

This shed measures in at 5 feet 1 inch long.  *shakes her head*  She just keeps getting bigger, each time I say she won't get any bigger.  *laughs*


  1. Oh how cool!
    I use to have a large rock on the side of our yard that was in the sun. Every couple of months we would find a large snake skin shed on it or around it. My boys would be so thrilled.
    Thank you so much for the offer of the turkey feathers! Where do you find them?

    1. We have a ton of land, so some are found. The others have been taken off turkeys my brother has hunted.
