written: July 20th
Photo for today:
Feathers I picked up during my walk with Josey today. Blue jay in the center and doves on the sides.
I am thankful….
1. For apparently being super attractive today. ::shrugs:: I had
THREE men flirt with me today. I have no idea what’s up with that, as
I’m grungy as hell from working in the warehouse, but hey, it made my
day. ::chuckles::
2. Daily walks with Josey. Even when my neighbors (as I call everyone
who lives in my neighborhood) bug the ever-loving shit out of me, I
still do like the walks we take AND that Josey is getting better and
better about them.
3. The amazing information I can find on the internet – especially in
regards to plants that turn out to be TOXIC, so I know NOT to use them.
::chuckles:: Damn oleander plant – a neighbor cut this GORGEOUS
branches that would be perfect for wands….if only oleander wasn’t SUPER
4. Choosing to give myself this week off from using the elliptical.
It’s my MoonTime and I’m usually in a lot of pain the first two days and
then just super tired for the rest of the week. So this time around,
elected to just go with what I was feeling at the time instead of trying
to soldier through it.
5. Sloth Boy’s last day at the Tech Job was Monday. I really do wish him all the best with his new job.
6. Watching a dove family teach its fledglings how to fly in our
mulberry tree. Josey sits in complete rapture watching them blunder
around and I watch as well, to ensure should one of the fledglings fall
into our yard, that Josey does not eat it. ::chuckles::
7. All the dragonflies in the neighborhood. They are quite inquisitive
and seem to really enjoy zipping right past my nose when I walk through
their areas.
8. My new Louisiana pen pal is really on top of her game. I swear she
writes me back the day she receives my letter. ::chuckles:: Which
encourages me to do the same.
9. Enjoying these three-day weekends while they last. Come August, I’ll be back to a standard 5-day work week.
10. Jimmy Johns for dinner while watching Blue Bloods: Season Seven.
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