I’m writing today’s entry in pieces. A Before piece and an After piece…the dividing line being the Fast Luck Oil class I’m attending in about an hour.
Today has been all about heading off my anxiety. I’ve been taking the CalmNow pills that Brandy suggested and I can certainly tell a difference. I can manage this level of anxiety. I just stick with my positive mantras, reminding myself how much I’ve been excited about this class, all the amazingness I’m going to learn, and the fact that I can then share that knowledge with my Pack. And I have been doing a lot of deep breathing exercises to help alleviate the lingering anxiety. I’m just really tired of my anxiety ruling my life. And I don’t think I really recognized how much it was smothering me and how much of an utter recluse I had become. Sure I have a healthy, larger-than-life presence on-line. But in the real world? I go outside of my house only when required. And I didn’t use to be this way. So, here’s to my first step towards liberating myself from that.
Photo for today:

Isn’t this Red Fast Luck Oil GORGEOUS? It’s the herb Alkanet that gives it this stunning red color.
So yeah, needless to say, I did go to the Fast Luck Oil class. It was super awkward at first because everyone else knows each other and I’m just super awkward in situations where I don’t know people. But eventually the awkwardness dissolved (mostly) and the class was great. The oil smells amazing. And Sekhmet really perked up at the red color of the oil. So I’m thinking I may pick up some of the herb for her. I’ll definitely need to look into the magickal properties.
The oil needs to “set” for three days, but after that, it will be ready to use. I want to pick up some glass bottles. We made the oil in a plastic bottle, but given that there is cinnamon oil and wintergreen oil, it will need to be transferred over to glass, as those particular oils will eat the plastic after a while. I did get a glass roller ball bottle, but the plastic bottle is much bigger. So I’ll have some left over. And I would like to share some of it with friends.
I am so seriously happy I went. I’m glad I pushed through the anxiety (had a bit of an inspiration on dealing with it) and went. The people are awesome and I definitely plan to go to more of their classes.
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