Photo for today:

Today’s witchy AND creative idea. See, I came across this idea in “A Witch Alone” where the author talks about the correspondences for each day of the week and gives ideas on specific things to pray/spellcraft/contemplate on each specific day. And I thought this would be a fun idea to do to bring in a daily aspect of my spirituality into my life. So yeah, I’ve got the day, the planet, and the planetary sign for all seven days of the week. The little glass cups (they remind me of communion wine thimbles and it just cracks me up that I’m using them for witchcraft) are left over candle holders for this adorable candles I got a Tuesday Morning ages ago. So I’m going to stick the daily tag to each candle and put the appropriate colored chime candle in the candle holder. Still haven’t quite hashed out how to use this daily practice, but I’m pretty good at just winging shit at the time. I do have dreams of making little prayer cards to go with each one (printed/created on cardstock roughly the size of a standard playing card). So yeah, we’ll see if I can follow through that far! ::chuckles::
Alright, it’s Thursday, which means it’s time for my traditional Thankful Thursday list.
I am grateful for…
1. The storms that came by in the evenings (yesterday and today). I got to see a rainbow yesterday, and today it was just drenching rain.
2. And because of said drenching rain, I’m glad I skipped out of work 15 minutes early (with the boss’s blessings) because that meant I got home just before the downpour! ::chuckles::
3. Crazy, creative witch-related things my lil heathen heart comes up with. I am having a BLAST with it!
4. My FitBit buddies who walk crazy amounts of steps. So even though I have NO hope of beating some of them, it does inspire me to walk more than I normally would. And honestly, I like the weekly challenges because it tallies my steps for me (so I don’t have to any work), and I just try to beat my previous week’s step total. ::chuckles::
5. Getting our Starbucks order last night COMPLETELY FREE! Jasmine didn’t make us pay of them. We just adore her…for so many reasons!
6. I decided to use my “Medicine Cards” deck (by Jamie Sams and David Carson) for the July Tarot Challenge…and holy crap, did those cards call me OUT yesterday. I’ll write a whole ‘nother entry on that.
7. My husband being sweet and buying me two frappuccinos from the gas station because he knew I like to have one in the morning when I go to my job. It’s a nice treat to reward me for getting my butt up at 7 am. ::chuckles:: So I had one today and hopefully, I’ll have the willpower to save the other for Monday…but I wouldn’t go holding my breath on that. ::laughs::
8. I’m on a 12 day in a role streak on walking Josey. Some of our walks are shorter than I would like due to the heat and high humidity (I have ZERO desire to carry a 50 pound pitty home in that heat/humidity combo), but we are at least getting out there and WALKING some. She’s doing a lot better, though we still have a way to go. Baby steps, but forward steps.
9. The internet and its ability to let me do so many things that I enjoy, that I probably couldn’t otherwise do. I love the information I come in contact with, the artwork, the companionship, the wisdom, the challenges, and the friendship. It just means the world to me. And has allowed me to connect with people who are similar to me in some way. And even those that I’m not super similar to, I do enjoy the ability to see things from a new angle that the friendship affords me.
10. I’ve signed up for a few classes and I’m really putting my foot down and making myself go. I need to put aside the money required for the classes and pay for them. Once I’ve paid for them, I won’t back out because there’s no refund. ::chuckles::
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