Photo of the day:
Josey is trying out a new, wind-swept look. ::laughs:: She had her ears flipped back for quite some time today.
I spent part of my morning at Firestone, getting an oil change. I remember now all the various reasons I don’t like going to Firestone. I had to listen to Fox News for 2 hours while I waited on the oil change. Thankfully, I had “Devoted To You” by Judy Harrow, and was able to read quite a bit in it and thus escape a lot of the Fox News crap.
And like clockwork, the guys at Firestone told me about all this stuff that is wrong with my car that needs to be fixed IMMEDIATELY and wanted to get started on it right THEN. Um, no bitches. We discuss what is actually wrong with the car and the price that you are going to charge me to fix said things. And then, because it is the shitty ass Firestone on Main Street, I will NOT allow them to fix anything. I will take it to another Firestone in the next town over, that has a good track record of being honest, not tampering with cars so that you have to bring it back to get something “new” fixed, and that does a great job of communicating every cost BEFORE they start working on your car. I merely go to this Firestone for oil changes because it’s 3 minutes away from my front door.
I was reminded of all of the above, as there were THREE….count them THREE….irate customers in there during the two hours I was there, complaining about something shady this place did to their cars. Yeah, I think from now on, I will just suck it up and go to the Firestone in F.M. from now on. The Main street one has one of the LOWEST ratings (2.3 out of 5.0) of all the Firestones in the AREA. All the other ones are up 4.0 and higher. Hell, the really shady/scary one over on 121 (the one that I always carry a knife when I go there because it is THAT scary) has a significantly higher rating. So yeah, next Friday, I will be taking my car to one of the other Firestones and get a second opinion.
The rest of the day was pretty lax. I love having Fridays off. Too bad once August hits, my three-day weekends disappear. ::sighs:: I ran over to Kinkos/Fed Ex to print out some photos I wanted to send to my two pen pals. One of them had sent photos of their newest dog, so I thought it was a good opportunity to share photos of Josey and a nice one of David and I. I would have also included a photo of Leviathan, but I will be sending them Leviathan’s 11th Hatch-day cards in August, so I figured I would just wait until then.
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