written: July 22nd
Photo for today:
David and Josey cuddling. Josey isn’t feeling so well and was
needing a little extra love. She’s headed to the vet tomorrow as this
is the second weekend she’s had major bowel issues. She’s currently
being fed white rice and boiled chicken breast today, hoping that calms
her stomach issues down.
I got SLAMMED with a headache way out of left field. It hit like a
ton of bricks with zero warning. We all ended up taking a long nap in
the early evening and didn’t wake up until 9 pm. ::laughs:: So, sadly,
Josey and I missed our walk today. But given that it was 107 degrees
at 6 pm, we probably wouldn’t have walked anyways. And it’s just one
missed walk in about 30 days now, so I refuse to beat myself up over it.
We all needed the rest it would seem and a break from the heat.
Tonight is the Dark of the Moon – the day before the New Moon. And I
got to thinking….I don’t care for when the “traditional” time of the
New Moon is. To me, the true New Moon is when I see that first, tiny
sliver. THAT is the NEW Moon. Right now, nothing of the Moon can be
seen, so why is this considered “new”? To me, this is the death of the
moon, the time of the Crone, the time of Darkness and banishing. There
is no light from the moon until that first sliver. So I think that’s
how I’m going to judge Dark Moon / New Moons from now on. I swear, my
Path of Witchcraft is all about Rebellion and Contrary. I seem to be
challenging everything, from all sorts of angles. Maybe I should call
my Path the Gut Instinct Path because that is what leads me 90% of the
time. I’m learning to listen to and TRUST that gut instinct of mine.
I’m following my Spirit on this. And honestly, I feel so much freer,
stronger, so much at peace with my lot in life at this point.
I am no guru. I am no peace, love, and light. And I certainly do
not have all the answers. I see my Path more akin to standing in the
eye of a hurricane. All of life and magick and all that jazz is
swirling around me, beautiful chaos, and I am currently standing in the
center – in my own version of calm. I like it here, in the eye, with
the Harpies swirling around me, Sekhmet watching over me from above, and
the Great She-Serpent beneath me – I stand upon Her back. And this all
the way I like it. I work best in the Feral areas of the
world…half-way tame and half-way wild. ::toothy smile::
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