Photo for the day:

I’m not sure if a screen shot counts as a photo, but I’m saying it counts. Look at me! The super achiever! ::laughs::
Yeah, love how I was seriously dragging ASS all day yesterday. But of course, once it was time to actually GO to bed? Yeah, couldn’t fall asleep until 2 am. ::sighs:: Damn asshole brain. It wanted to play the whole…hey remember this stupid shit you did back in middle school? Even 4 Benadryl didn’t slow it down.
So yeah, dragging ass again today. BUT, I went for that 2nd coffee right after lunch, and that seemed to help (though we’ll see how well I sleep tonight). Plus, Bruce (he works in Security) came through with candy – blowpops and atomic fireballs (cinnamon jawbreakers).
Yeah, ya know how I was saying how peaceful and all around Zen I was yesterday? Yeah, that shit was nowhere to be found today. I fucking HATED Sloth Boy today. He kept disappearing for 30 – 50 minutes randomly. He did even LESS work today than yesterday. Like, how the FUCK is that even possible?
So I completed my railroad spike protection and blessing spell today. I put the spikes in place, though I will have to check the South one. I’m not sure it is quite deep enough. I had to place the South and the West spikes at night. I’ll double check them tomorrow and make whatever adjustments I have to.
I did 20 minutes on the elliptical. I decided to listen to some various pagan songs/chants. Best. Decision. EVER! I had only intended to do 15 minutes, but once I got some good songs going, I was in the zone. AND that’s how I figured out how I would place the last two spikes – water to make the ground softer, and to use my body weight to drive into the ground. I used a hammer for North and East, as they are on the backside of the house, but the sound was really loud even though I attempted to muffle the hammer with a washcloth wrapped around it. That didn’t dampen the sound much at all.
And then I also came up with the words to a new part I’m adding to my personal rituals. I actually have two versions. One to use with Hazel or another other public rituals in which a magick/Craft name can be utilized. The other version is to be used only in my solo rituals…with my non-public Craft name. I’ll fine tune it….probably tomorrow. ::smiles:: For now, I’m headed to bed.

I’m not sure if a screen shot counts as a photo, but I’m saying it counts. Look at me! The super achiever! ::laughs::
Yeah, love how I was seriously dragging ASS all day yesterday. But of course, once it was time to actually GO to bed? Yeah, couldn’t fall asleep until 2 am. ::sighs:: Damn asshole brain. It wanted to play the whole…hey remember this stupid shit you did back in middle school? Even 4 Benadryl didn’t slow it down.
So yeah, dragging ass again today. BUT, I went for that 2nd coffee right after lunch, and that seemed to help (though we’ll see how well I sleep tonight). Plus, Bruce (he works in Security) came through with candy – blowpops and atomic fireballs (cinnamon jawbreakers).
Yeah, ya know how I was saying how peaceful and all around Zen I was yesterday? Yeah, that shit was nowhere to be found today. I fucking HATED Sloth Boy today. He kept disappearing for 30 – 50 minutes randomly. He did even LESS work today than yesterday. Like, how the FUCK is that even possible?
So I completed my railroad spike protection and blessing spell today. I put the spikes in place, though I will have to check the South one. I’m not sure it is quite deep enough. I had to place the South and the West spikes at night. I’ll double check them tomorrow and make whatever adjustments I have to.
I did 20 minutes on the elliptical. I decided to listen to some various pagan songs/chants. Best. Decision. EVER! I had only intended to do 15 minutes, but once I got some good songs going, I was in the zone. AND that’s how I figured out how I would place the last two spikes – water to make the ground softer, and to use my body weight to drive into the ground. I used a hammer for North and East, as they are on the backside of the house, but the sound was really loud even though I attempted to muffle the hammer with a washcloth wrapped around it. That didn’t dampen the sound much at all.
And then I also came up with the words to a new part I’m adding to my personal rituals. I actually have two versions. One to use with Hazel or another other public rituals in which a magick/Craft name can be utilized. The other version is to be used only in my solo rituals…with my non-public Craft name. I’ll fine tune it….probably tomorrow. ::smiles:: For now, I’m headed to bed.
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