Photo for the day:

This is the “Goddess Flow Oil” by Sage Goddess. I’m getting more into using oils instead of over the counter medications. So this oil is supposed to help with the emotional and physical symptoms that come with the monthly cycle. Even if it does nothing to ease the cramps and what not, it smells AMAZING. Warm cinnamon with the earthy herbs of clary sage, palmarosa, and neroli.
Poor Josey is a sick puppy today. All about the liquid poo-s. And she’s grumpy as hell. Which I understand, but we cannot tolerate her snapping and growling. We’re giving her a bit more time before taking her to the ER clinic. Hopefully, it will run its course and she’ll be back to her normal grumpy self once again. ::chuckles::
I have started reading “Devoted To You: Honoring Deity in Wiccan Practice” by Judy Harrow today. I was enjoying the first chapter, written by a devotee of Anubis…up until the guy said Sekhmet was nothing more than a persona of Hathor. Um, that doesn’t fly. I’ve been a devotee of Sekhmet going on 21 years now…She is not a merely “persona”. And from what I’ve read in my various years of study, Sekhmet is an ancient deity…She is one of ones who came before the gods. Depending on the myth, some say that Ra CREATED Sekhmet when he cast his right eye down to earth to destroy the humans that had forgotten to worship him….other myths say Ra called Sekhmet to come destroy the humans (meaning, she was already formed and doing her own thing until he called upon her). I prefer the latter telling of the myth…as does Sekhmet.
So I’ve stepped away from the book for a moment until I could process why it irked me so much that the author (who really does not matter to me or my practice, to be honest) would say that. I’m taking this as a not-so-gentle reminder that other people’s opinions and interactions with the gods do not matter to my own practice. I shouldn’t let other’s opinions cloud my own inner Path, my Journey, nor my way of interacting with Spirit (no matter what form it may take). So the devotee to Anubis is more than welcome to believe that Sekhmet is merely a persona of Hathor. That is fine, as Sekhmet does not play an important role (if any role) in his own Path. But for me and my Path? The White Lioness of the Desert, the One Before Whom Evil Trembles, the Scarlet Lady….she is self-contained and tolerates no shackles (be they of the mind nor the soul).
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