Photo of the day:

A beautiful postcard I received today from Belarus.
Man, today just got completely away from me. I was headed up to bed at 11 pm and had to check that I took a photo of SOMETHING for today. ::laughs:: Luckily I received this postcard and I always upload photos of the postcards to Postcrossing and to Facebook. So I at least had THAT.
I opted to try a new-to-me gas station to pick up Gatorade and a snack for my afternoon shift at the Tech Job. And I was THRILLED to see they had the cinnamon and sugar pita chips that I was hooked on ages ago, but that THAT particular gas station (one of two I use during the school year) stopped carrying. Thankful this new-to-me gas station isn’t super convenient so hopefully I won’t eat too many bags of those pita chips. ::grins and winks:: But it’s super comfort food during my MoonTime, so I’m sure I’ll put in the extra effort to get them at that time.
I got my very sore, very tired ass on the elliptical today and through sheer stubbornness managed to bang out 20 minutes on it. Holy hell, that was BRUTAL. I am not sure I’ll do the elliptical again this week because the entire lower half of my body just ACHES. I swear, it’s like I was in a wreck…just that achy feeling. ::shrugs:: Work has been significantly more physical recently…tons more lifting and carrying of heavy boxes laden with iPads than sitting on my butt cleaning iPads, so I’m sure that’s partially to blame. But I refuse to complain too much because I’m starting to see some definition in my arms. I’ve told David we have to set up the weight machine (it’s been in pieces since we moved….LAST April!) because I don’t want to lose this head start once the Tech Job is over for the summer. Hopefully we can get that set up at some point SOON and I can add to the elliptical time AND walking Josey.
I love our evening walks, even though we are both hot and sweaty by the time we get back. It isn’t a massive walk…about 25 minutes. But doing that walk in 100+ degree weather? You definitely feel it. I’m hoping that once autumn rolls around, I can either double our walks, or add to them. I want to walk her a mile to two miles daily at some point on a regular schedule. We both greatly benefit from it and we both really enjoy them. And if David could get up in the mornings before work and walk her as well (he’s expressed interest in doing this, it’s just that his sleep schedule is so completely fucked up currently)? That would be extra awesome for the Pup.
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