written: July 17th
Photo for the day:
The story behind this photo of my finger. ::laughs:: My husband
sent me a photo of his toe and text the following “Toe pic. It’s a
nonthreatening way to say I like u.” ::dies laughing:: So I sent him a
photo of my finger to say “I like you too”. This is my husband’s “new
trend against the dick pic”. ::chuckles and shakes her head:: I don’t
claim to understand the things my husband comes up with, but they sure
are hilarious and unique.
Today was Sloth Boy’s last day at the Summer Tech Job. We spent the
last hour or so just bullshitting and swapping After School Program
stories (he works the same program I do, just at a different campus).
It was nice because it reminded me again that, even though he’s slow as a
herd of turtles stampeding through peanut butter, at his core, he’s a
genuinely nice guy. And it’s really easy for me to lose sight of that
when I’m so focused on being pissed at how little work he does at the
Tech Job. So I do genuinely wish him the absolute best with the new
job. I genuinely hope it works out the way he wants it to work out.
I came home and had a big ole glass of wine. ::chuckles:: I even
got a bit tipsy off of it. Luckily, Josey was content to let me nap for
an hour before demanding we go for her walk. I almost didn’t go, but
I’m glad I did. I honestly feel better after these little walks, no
matter how hot it is, or how ADD Josey is being on the walk.
Twenty-three days in a row now, we have not missed a walk. Some have
been shorter due to heat or loose dogs, but we’ve gone out on at least a
15 minute walk for the past twenty-three days and most days we’re out
there for a good 30 minute walk.
The walks, honestly, would go SO MUCH BETTER if people would just
stay in their damn houses. ::laughs:: If they were just shut-ins and
Josey and I didn’t have to deal with them, the walks would so
oh-so-blissful. And yes, I know that isn’t too realistic…so how about
they just keep their GODDAMN DOGS ON A FUCKING LEASH????? Huh? How
about at least doing THAT??? ::grumbles:: I have no idea what it is
about this area, but NO ONE keeps their “cute little pooches” on a
fucking leash. People are going to get seriously upset if I ever get
around to buying a damn stun cane. I’m going to shocking dogs left and
right that come up to us off leash and/or without an owner. I am so
tired of it. Maybe I should use the stun cane on the dog and THEN on
the owner as well? ::devilish grin::
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