Photo for today:

A rainbow! I wish I could have captured the second rainbow, but it was really difficult to see, even with the nekkid eye. And this rainbow did NOT stick around all that long either. Long enough for me to spot it, race inside to grab my phone, and to take 4 photos. And then poof! Gone.
So yeah, running on about 6 hours of sleep. Not too terribly off from what I normally get during the week, but still. Ug. Surprisingly, I didn’t drag ass at all today. I honestly felt pretty damn good. I had plenty of energy for work – though, honestly, that doesn’t require a whole lot out of me. It’s just tedious, repetitive work.
Once I came home, I got my butt on the elliptical. I was only able to do 15 minutes. I really need to get my knee checked out. It was doing it’s “clicking” again…where if I bend it too deeply and then straighten it out, the tendon across the knee cap “jumps/pops”. The way I am describing it sounds so much worse than it is. It’s really painful…just annoying. But that will have to wait until September, when my insurance kicks back over. No sense in spending my deductible if it’s just going to reset in September. And it’s not like it’s killing me right now anyways. Sooooo, I’ll put it off another year most likely (though I did originally injury it right about this time in 2010…so what’s a few more years?). ::chuckles::
So yeah, I did 15 minutes on the elliptical and then took Josey for a walk. I did it early because of the incoming storm and Josey really NEEDS these daily walks. This makes 11 days in a row now that I have walked her and I want to keep that going as long as I can. We managed to do a decent walk. It would be so much better if there just weren’t people out and about. ::laughs:: But that applies to most areas of life…I would seriously rather there just not be people involved.
Storm was gorgeous. So much lightning and wind. Very little rain, but beautiful and stormy and grumpy all the same. ::chuckles::

A rainbow! I wish I could have captured the second rainbow, but it was really difficult to see, even with the nekkid eye. And this rainbow did NOT stick around all that long either. Long enough for me to spot it, race inside to grab my phone, and to take 4 photos. And then poof! Gone.
So yeah, running on about 6 hours of sleep. Not too terribly off from what I normally get during the week, but still. Ug. Surprisingly, I didn’t drag ass at all today. I honestly felt pretty damn good. I had plenty of energy for work – though, honestly, that doesn’t require a whole lot out of me. It’s just tedious, repetitive work.
Once I came home, I got my butt on the elliptical. I was only able to do 15 minutes. I really need to get my knee checked out. It was doing it’s “clicking” again…where if I bend it too deeply and then straighten it out, the tendon across the knee cap “jumps/pops”. The way I am describing it sounds so much worse than it is. It’s really painful…just annoying. But that will have to wait until September, when my insurance kicks back over. No sense in spending my deductible if it’s just going to reset in September. And it’s not like it’s killing me right now anyways. Sooooo, I’ll put it off another year most likely (though I did originally injury it right about this time in 2010…so what’s a few more years?). ::chuckles::
So yeah, I did 15 minutes on the elliptical and then took Josey for a walk. I did it early because of the incoming storm and Josey really NEEDS these daily walks. This makes 11 days in a row now that I have walked her and I want to keep that going as long as I can. We managed to do a decent walk. It would be so much better if there just weren’t people out and about. ::laughs:: But that applies to most areas of life…I would seriously rather there just not be people involved.
Storm was gorgeous. So much lightning and wind. Very little rain, but beautiful and stormy and grumpy all the same. ::chuckles::
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