written: July 12th
Photo for the day:
Mmmmmm, I baked to more small loafs today. I’m trying it out with
the strawberry cream cheese spread on the right and the “Liquid
Diabetes” on the left (though, I think I MAY have figured out where I
went wrong with that recipe – I’ll have to test it again). Of course,
with the impending Shark Week (aka, Moon Time), I’m all about that
Liquid Diabetes! ::laughs:: Though, to be serious, I am seriously
limiting how much of that shit I eat – it really is THAT sugary. And if
the tweaks I make to the recipe don’t work, I’ve found a few other ones
that are similar, but slightly different. I’ll give some of those a
Speaking of which, can we just take a moment to express our unending
gratitude to the awesomeness of the internet? I LOVE being able to find
all these awesome recipes that I probably would not find any other way
except through the internet. And then there’s the awesome people I’ve
met as well. And all the awesome, thought-provoking stories as well. I
mean, damn. How small would my world truly be, if I did not have the
internet? Just blows my mind sometimes to just stop and think about
that for a second or two.
So I’m kicking around the idea of going to see Dr. O – she’s my
general health doctor that I go to randomly, whenever I actually NEED a
non-gyno doctor. I know, that sounds kind of odd, but seriously, I’m
typically pretty damn healthy, so I see a general doctor maybe every two
to three years, while the gyno, I see once a year. Anyways, back to
Dr. O – I’m thinking of inquiring about some anxiety medication. My
anxiety isn’t bad, until I am supposed to go somewhere, and then it
sky-rockets. Even if it’s somewhere I WANT to go. Like all the various
pagan classes I want to take through the various pagan shops or that
various public rituals hosted by the local pagan groups. I WANT to go.
They sound like a lot of fun. But my anxiety will sky-rocket and I’m
having borderline panic attacks. ::shakes her head:: And Dr. O really
sits and listens to me. I’ve been seeing her since 2005, I think? She
knows how my body likes to latch onto those super rare side-effects.
She knows all the medications I’ve been on since 2005 and what my
reactions were to each one. And did I state that she LISTENS and
genuinely CARES about my thoughts/feelings on things? I can’t even
articulate how awesome that is (given the two psychiatrists I had didn’t
listen to SHIT).
I dunno. I’ll probably kick that idea around for a month before I’ll
make a move. Because that seems to be my standard MO at the moment.
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