written: July 13th
Photo for today:
Promising buds with a decaying rose blossom in the background. My
rosebush is entering a second blooming phase that already promises to
outdo the first phase majorly.
Onward to the Thankful List!
I am grateful for…
1. Four-day work weeks. Seriously, these three-day weekends are THE
BEST. Having Friday off means I can run whatever errands I want to, but
that David wouldn’t enjoy. AND it gives me time to do things I want to
do without taking away time with my husband.
2. New pen-pal from Louisiana. Sadly, it seems my California and
Chicago pen-pals have dropped off. ::shrugs:: Eh, it comes and it
goes. I’m not going to pine over loosing pen-pals. We’ll see how
things go with the Louisiana one now.
3. Sloth Boy got the sales job he was wanting. I’m pretty sure now
that Monday (July 17th) will be his last day with the Tech Job. Woohoo!
Joking and celebration aside, I do hope it works out well for him.
He’s a great guy…just slow as shit. ::laughs::
4. Homemade bread (the “easy” bread recipe sure did deliver) fresh out
of the oven. Best way on earth to lightly burn one’s tongue.
5. The plethora of dragonflies I’m seeing all over the neighborhood
when Josey and I go for our evening walks. To me, they embody Summer.
6. Finished up the Railroad Spike protection/blessing charm AND got all
four spikes placed in the four corners of our property WITHOUT drawing
attention of the neighbors. Woohoo!
7. Finally get a video that accurately captures the rapturous JOY Josey
feels and shows when David comes home. I should probably put it up on
YouTube (along with the videos of her chasing Red Dot). I have zero
videos on my YouTube Channel. ::laughs:: Might as well put my goofy
ass pit bull on it.
8. Randomly deciding this week to play pagan music/chants while using
the elliptical. It certainly made the run better and damn did I get
some inspiration in the process. I’ve also toyed with the idea of
recording myself reading prayers, so that I can work on memorizing them
while I run as well. Still fleshing out that idea.
9. Reconnecting with Hazel and having an utter blast with that.
Who’d’a thunk I would ENJOY being social and shit? ::laughs:: But
seriously, she’s a blast and her Path is a bit different from mine, and I
love how it challenges and stretches my own Path to make it better and
stronger and deeper.
10. Beautiful full moon I’ve been watching most of the week. I try to
make it a point to see her each night and just salute her. It’s the
little things that keep one grounded in their spiritual practice. Those
are typically the ones that mean the most as well.
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