May Magick Photo Challenge #12: Green (Photo 42/1001):

This is my lil basil plant that reseeded itself from last year’s plants.
So my Youth Lit professor FINALLY posted all the grades. I somehow managed to pull my grade up from an 89 to a 96!
Honestly, I think she got so swamped that as long as we turned in the assignment and did at least the bare minimum, we got full credit. My last two assignments were definitely NOT stellar. But I’m not complaining!!!
So this means, while this was one of the most brutal semesters, I managed to come out of it with TWO A’s! Hells bells, I am grateful for that! Just three courses left. Then the dreaded End of Program exam. And then I’m done.
Just to show you how brutal this semester was…apparently David bought me Thor: Ragnarok…and I totally don’t remember him ever telling me that. And seriously, having the opportunity to see more of Thor and Loki? I would have remembered that. Needless to say, we watched it today. LOVED it.
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