Homemade egg rolls that were up at work. So delicious.
May Magick Photo Challenge #9: My Morning

Setting my intentions for the day – this is where I say my prayers for the day and set my intention before heading to work.
I took the most delicious nap with Josey before work. And woohoo for CRAZY sex dreams!
Right as I got home from work today, I realized that I had left my phone at work. So I loaded Josey up in the car and took her for a ride. Luckily I have a key card for the school so I was able to retrieve my phone. I’m hoping the extra excitement of the car ride means Josey will sleep soon.
Now I’m playing the waiting game to see what my grades are this semester.
I’m waiting on one grade for the Digital Citizenship class.
But I’m waiting for EIGHT fucking grades in my Youth Lit class. Assignments that were turned in back on April 1st are just hanging out, waiting on grades. Like WFT professor?!?!?! Get your shit together already!
Given that I’m sitting at 89s in both classes, this final grades could possibly bring me up to A’s. Which would be so fucking awesome, but I’m not holding my breath on just in case.
I need to talk to my hair stylist and get an appointment on the books to put some fun color in my hair again for summer. Totally NOT responsible behavior (on the whole “professional” level and money level), but fuck that noise. I DESERVE a bit of fun. Just gotta figure out what color I’ll be doing. I’m thinking possibly a blue this year. But before I can do that, I have to find out when I have MY end of year evaluation with my supervisor. Even I’m not currently ballsy enough to walk into that with blue hair – and it’s not like I’m going FULL blue. Just dying the bottom 4 or so inches blue. But still. No sense in rattling cages that don’t necessarily need to be rattled at this time. ::smiles:: I’m a rebel to my core, but my sense of self-preservation is stronger.
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