Inner Witch October Photo Challenge:
Day 20: Wand or Athame
Yep, that’s my wand. Ain’t it gorgeous? Purchased from the Crystal Clan back on February 21, 2014.
It’s made of cedar wood with a large quartz point, wrapped with palomino deer leather. It’s 15 5/8 inches long and the quartz crystal is a whopping 3” x 1/2” x 1”. She’s truly a beast, but a gentle one thus far. It’s a good weight in the hand and you are definitely aware of her gentle strength when using her in ritual.
I am thankful....
1. for a solid team now at my work. Still training my newest arrival, but I now have the utmost confidence in my aides and I am deeply relieved for that.
2. the truly awesome storm that blew through at 5 am. So much lightning and thunder and rain.
3. the warm sun upon my face and shoulders as I paused to regroup myself out in my yard.
4. lovely thank you letter I just received from the International Exotic Animal Sanctuary in response to my donation I gave back on the North Texas Giving Day – on that day, any donations of $25 or more is matched. I was not expecting anything in return. They do great things. But the letter and a photo of one of the bears was a truly heart warming surprise today.
5. one of my former students, Carson A., stopped by to see me. He’s a 9th or 10th grader now. So, again, I must be doing my job right (even if the bosses don’t see it that way) for my former students to keep on dropping by to see me.
6. recognizing that I do not have to win every “battle” set before me. I get to choose my own battles and if it isn’t worth to me, I can walk away.
7. homemade Chai tea lattes in the mornings.
8. that tomorrow is an early release and while that means an EXTRA long day for me and I’m not exactly looking forward to it, at least I have awesome students AND it’s extra money on the paycheck (that I’m going to desperately need due to a big plumbing repair bill).
9. Josey, equal parts irritating lil shit and most adorable puppy ever. ::laughs::
10. David paid for a new hide for Leviathan. Her previous hide wasn’t sealed, so it’s become quite stained (even though it’s clean) and just looked really, really bad.
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