Inner Witch October Photo Challenge:
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Day 21: God (Athame)
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Seeing as how the god plays little to no role in my faith, I decided
instead to share a photo of my athame, since I had to choose between the
wand and the athame yesterday.11.75 inches long
damascus blade
buffalo horn handle
Unlike the wand from yesterday, this is no gentle beast of an athame. You know you are holding a thing of power when you lay hands upon her. Though, I don’t recommend you do that until I specifically tell you. I use my athame to Cast the Circle, to call in Sekhmet, to bless and charge items, and to direct energy. While the wand is a creature of air and lightness, the athame is a beast of fire and direction.
I am writing this entry earlier in the day than normal because today is an early release day for the students....which means MY after school program is extra long. I have to report to work at 11:15 and the students are released around 11:40 am. Insane. So yeah, I’ll work 11:15 am until about 6:30 pm (possibly later, if there any of the parents are running late). I’m really not looking forward to it, but it is what it is.
I had to take a break yesterday from Facebook for a bit. I got to witness someone having the courage to share their sexual harassment story and see so many people tear her down for it. It made me physically ill.
I got to witness first hand the whole “not all men” bull shit. And I wanted to scream at him that nowhere in her narrative did she EVER say all men. It was three men who shouted at her and her friends when they were 8 years old about how nice their pussies must be.
And because she used the line Trump said about him being able to grab women by their pussies, another woman was quick to attack her, saying what a horrible person Hillary was. Like seriously people? WHAT THE EVER LOVING FUCK?????
I hate that people STILL victim blame and I hate it even more when women do it to each other.
I hate when a person has the STRENGTH to share their survivor story that other people jump in saying “well not all men....”. We are aware that not all men brag about grabbing women by their pussies without consent (because that is SEXUAL ASSAULT). But there ARE men who DO. There are men out there saying this horrible things to us, doing these horrible things to us. And just because you are one of the men who don’t do that? That doesn’t invalidate the experiences we’ve had with the men that DO. Just stop already. HEAR us when we share our experiences. Help us if we ask for it. Know that because we WERE raped by a man doesn’t mean we automatically believe you are a rapist as well. But when you spout off with the “well not ALL men” fucking line? Yeah, thanks bro, for letting me know you are a worthless lil shit that cares more about the image of MEN than the experience of a female friend. Thanks bro, for letting me know that I cannot depend on you for support. Thanks bro, for letting me know all of that with four little words, that I cannot be friends with you any more.
And I know people will bash on me for refusing to be friends with people who say that shit. I know people say all the time “shouldn’t you be friends with people of differing views?”
I am friends with people from all walks of life. We are all different and we all see things a little differently from each other based on our belief systems and experiences.
However, I will NOT be friends with a pedophile just so I can have a “different” view. I will not be friends with an abusive person who I can have a “different” view. I will not be friends with a Klan member for that “different” view. I will not be friends with someone from the Westboro Cult for that “different” view. And I will NOT be friends with someone who seeks to discredit or deflect someone’s survivor story for a “different” view. Fuck that noise.
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