Inner Witch October Photo Challenge:

Day 30: New Moon
New Moon Altar:

Items left to right:
Galaxy coyote skull.
Athame sheath and Athame (black handled blade).
Red seven-day candle (for Sekhmet).
Sekhmet painting by Kimberly.
Two candles in front of the Sekhmet painting:
- Red one to honor my MoonTime
- White one to honor the New Moon (anointed with “Muse” perfumed oil by Sage Goddess)
In front of the white candle: A small white protection bundle (from my Vision Quest), one of my Zuni fetishes – a white Mountain Lion, and a brown leather medicine bag in which the protection bundle and the mountain lion reside in.
In front of that is a blue pouch that houses my Messenger Oracle deck.
Orange seven-day candle (also for Sekhmet).
Incense burner with the Scorpio incense (from Hearth Wisdom Store, local).
Photo of the tarot spread I used for the new moon, using the Messenger Oracle Deck:

And photo of me, post ritual:

All in all, another pleasant ritual for sure. I don’t typically do a New Moon ritual, but given the prompt for today, I figured why not. And then I remembered that I needed to recharge my protection bundle from my Vision Quest. I was supposed to do that on September’s new moon, but I completely forgot. So this was the next best time. ::smiles::
I also put the Call out to the Beloved Dead, that tomorrow, in ritual, they were welcome to join me. I told them that I would be saying each name on the family trees that I have up. And as long as they would behave and bring me no negativity, they were welcome to attend my Circle. The food that I will leave outside for them tomorrow night, they are welcome to, to feed them in their journeys. And then I stated very clearly, that once the ritual had concluded, they would travel back across the Veil. None will be allowed to linger.
Side note: holy fuck, I LOVE the smell of “Muse”. It’s still on my hands from when I dressed the candle with it. Of course, I only have a small sample given to me by Sage Goddess, tucked into one of my orders from her. The bottle of the stuff costs $42....but is currently out of stock. ::sighs:: Sad for my heart, that loves the smell. But good for my bank account for now. Hopefully it will come back into stock before the holidays. If not, well, I’ll set aside the money and wait. ::smiles::
Hazel called me today, completely weary. She inquired how I was feeling and told me how utterly exhausted she was due to all the spirit activity that this Samhain was bringing. I told her some ways to be more selective on the spirits she welcomes into her home. Even though they are family, there should still be a protocol for visitations.
Which reminds me, I need to make a spirit bottle for tomorrow. It’s a jar that you fill with rice, or beans, and small seeds. You set it in front of the house, and the spirits have to count all the items within it before they can enter the house. This calms the energy of the spirit. Plus, if you use food, they can eat that as well, which adds to the mellow factor. ::chuckles::
It just cracks me up that Hazel claims to be this big, bad chaos witch that dabbles in Voodoo/Vudun. And yet, she’d never even heard of a spirit bottle. That’s basic Vudun, Gypsy, and Trad Witchcraft. ::shrugs:: Oh well. Just goes to show you that you can put in a ton of time with this Path and there will always be a shit ton you don’t know about. ::laughs:: Love it!
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