Inner Witch October Photo-Challenge:

Day 9 = Pentacle

This is my current altar pentacle.
I purchased it from JadedAlchemy on Etsy (they’ve since disabled their Etsy account) back in 2011. It’s a beautiful pentacle with flanking caribou antlers.
Pine wood base (rosewood stain).
6 inches across.
Love it, but I may be letting this one go in the future. I haven’t decided just yet.
Man, I am LOVING this four-day weekend. Three days thus far that I haven’t had to deal with Shitty McCreepy Pants (a shitty, creepy aide of mine) and I still have a WHOLE ‘NOTHER DAY to go! Woohoo!
I have been plugging away at the reading I have to do for INFO 5300. This is some seriously tedious reading, I swear. Still need to read the Case Study for INFO 5600’s chat on Monday. ::grumbles:: You know, 4-day weekends would be so much better if I didn’t have class work to do!
Weather has been GORGEOUS lately. Mostly sunny, up in the mid-80s with a nice cool breeze. It’s been rather pleasant to sit outside with the pup and just bask in beautiful weather.
I need to get to working on my Birthday Goals. I have a rough draft going, but I need to revisit that and figure out what I will truly be focusing on this coming year.
I also need to get to work on my Tabula Rasa Ritual (Latin for “clean slate”). I’m pretty sure I’m doing it in late December, but there’s a lot of legwork to be done to prep for it, so I need to get to chopping on that. I have to do a year review, which means going through all my journal and blog entries PLUS going through my FaceBook feed as well for the past year.
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