Inner Witch October Photo-Challenge:
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Day 7 = Waxing Moon
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I remembered the Photo Challenge too late in the day to get a photo of the actual waxing moon, which is what I would have LOVED to have done. Instead, I thought I could do a test page in my Bullet Journal / Catch-All Journal on the magickal properties of the various phases of the moon (as they are listed as prompts further on in the month).
I popped over to Pinterest with that intention and got sucked down the rabbit hole that IS Pinterest. And then I remembered, I don’t give a fuck what phase the moon is in for the use of magick. None of my magick is lunar tied. For me, I just like being out UNDER the moon, regardless of what phase it is in. So why would I put the time and effort into making various pages in my journal (to be later transferred into my Book of Shadows) that have NOTHING TO DO WITH MY PERSONAL PATH? Just stupid in my opinion.
So instead I ended up writing down some oil diffuser recipes for a good night’s sleep. ::chuckles:: I want to test those out and figure out which ones I like and which ones work…and which ones are just god-awful. Far more productive than writing about magick I’ll never do.
I am really liking the Tarot Challenge. I debating sharing that here but ultimately decided against it. It was just another major step to get bogged down with and I feared that I would just drop it if it was too complicated. So instead, I am writing each day’s reading down in my Bullet Journal / Catch-All Journal and enjoying it. I’m using the Pathfinders Deck and I am really enjoying reconnecting with totem animals through it. And I LOVE the fact that the deck has so many non-standard totems included in it. It really broadens your horizons on the totem front, and forces me to learn new ones as well.
I had CPR training today for work. Work is trying to get EVERY person on campus (Campus Leaders, like myself, plus all the aides as well) to be CPR and AED trained and certified. I haven’t been certified in a number of years, so it was definitely needed. And given that they’ve changed a few things since I was last certified, I’m glad to have the updated information. So now I can crush people’s chests and zap them with a defibrillator now. ::toothy grin::
And Head Boss Lady (Kelly) inquired how the rest of the day went yesterday with Shitty McCreepy Pants. I explained a few things I had to talk to him about and Kelly told me to write all of that down. She suggested that maybe I start keeping a work journal just about him. I don’t think she understands the amount of writing I would have to do. ::shakes her head:: So I’m thinking of getting a 3-ring binder just for him. That way I can easily type up all the insanity (because I type worlds faster than I write), and then I can just print it out and file it in the 3-ring binder. Plus, it gives me an excuse to go buy a 3-ring binder. ::grins and winks:: Yeah, yeah, I’m addicted to office supplies.
So now, I have to write up all THAT shit. And then print out ALL of the stuffs I have written up about Shitty McCreepy Pants (which, by the way, it totally his new official name here). And then I get to put it all in my binder. ::sighs:: When I said I enjoy documentation and writing....this is sooooo NOT what I had in mind, dammit! Why do the gods listen to those remarks, but totally ignore my desires to win the fucking lottery?!?!?!
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