First up is the Inner Witch October Photo Challenge

October 2nd’s Challenge is Elements:

Earth: four Witch’s Burrs (pods from the sweet gum tree) in a buffalo horn bowl.
Air: Sacred Feather
Fire: lit candle
Water: rain/storm water housed in a skull jar (specifically for the Harpies)
I had forgotten how labor intensive smudging down an entire house is. I’ve decided that it would be good to smudge down the house after the end of September. It was a viciously brutal month on both my husband and I and I would see all that residual negativity banished from our living space.
So I lit up the big sage bundle and started in my room (it’s the only room upstairs), and worked my way down. I paid special attention to all doorways and windows. Basically driving all the negativity OUT of the house and then sealing it behind it. But holy fuck, doing that for EVERY room? Man, by the time I was done, my arm was on fire! ::laughs:: I also did most of the outside of the house. I still need to do the very front of the house – there are two windows that have been smudged on the inside but not the outside. And seeing as how I’m attempting to NOT scare off all the neighbors, I’ll wait until night time to do those, so as not to draw too much attention to myself. ::laughs:: Hell, I even smudged down my car while I was doing the back of the house. I did the yard as well.
I am hoping that this will bode well for the month of October for us. I don’t think I could handle a second round of the shit September spewed upon us.
The next step I would like to do is bless the house fully, to invite in all the GOOD that around us, to fill the house to bursting. I am not sure exactly what that step will look like. I could use rain water. Or make salt water. Or using some sort of anointing oil possibly? Or re-smudge with Sweetgrass this time around. I will do that on the Full Moon (Oct 16th), so I have a little time to figure it out.
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