Inner Witch October Photo-Challenge:

Day 17: Chalice

I don’t have a chalice. Given that 99% of my ritual/ceremonial work is solitary, I have zero need for a large chalice. Instead, I use this adorable glass my husband has a set of. It’s perfect for my needs.
I’ve had chalices in the past and for the longest, I was hung up on the belief that I HAD to have one. Given that I’ve hit my second decade as a practicing Pagan, I’ve let go of a lot of that whole “have to have such-n-such item” belief. There are a lot of tools out there that I would LIKE to have, sure. But I don’t HAVE to have it.
Now, I’m sure if I were running a Coven, then yes, I would definitely get a large, traditional chalice for group ritual work. Just makes sense. But since it’s just me running solo, and most of the time, I don’t even do the cakes and ale portion of the traditional ritual anyways, I don’t have a particular need for a large chalice.
Speaking of the cakes and ale portion, I think the main reason I don’t do it, is because of the traditional blessing that goes with it. Binary, heterosexual undertones for sure. The athame is inserted into the chalice to bless it (athame = penis; chalice = vagina/womb) and then the athame sprinkles the wine on the cakes to bless them. Yeah, I’m not all about that. ::chuckles:: Even though I was born a female and identify completely as a female, and am mostly hetero – that portion of the ritual just doesn’t speak to me. All of the Covens I’ve been a part of do this blessing of the cakes and ale, and while in Coven, I’ll engage in it. But for me, when I’m running solo? Nope. No thank you. Hell, 99.5% of the time, a male deity isn’t even invoked or thought of in my personal rituals. ::shrugs::
Hmm, I didn’t realize I felt that strongly about it until I got to writing and really thinking about it and questioning why I do things the way I do them. ::chuckles:: But that’s a good thing. I do need to stop and question my beliefs and rituals and practices from time to time. The last thing I want to be doing is something I don’t actually agree with, but I’ve just always done it, so I continue doing it. Not my cup of tea at all. Hence why my personal beliefs/rituals/ceremonies are constantly in flux…constantly changing.
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