Inner Witch October Photo-Challenge:

Day 12: It’s supposed to be the “Cauldron”. But I don’t have one. So instead, I took a photo of my current drum:

This is a 10 inch, elk hide drum that I made myself last year at a drum-making class. Love it. Because of its size, the voice of the drum is a bit higher pitched than I wanted. But, it’s the first drum I’ve ever had AND it’s one that I made myself, so she ain’t going anywhere. At some point, I do want to remake the beater. ::shrugs::
It is amazing how I get into a “way of doing things” and then can’t deviate from it. ::laughs:: Photobucket (where I “host” my photos so I can upload them to my blog entries) was down for maintenance all day, and while I could write this entry no problem, I couldn’t post it because Photobucket was being a bitch and not uploading photos. And I couldn’t post the entry without my Photo-Challenge photos. ::laughs:: Ah the tangled web that is my mind and logic.
Apparently, Shitty McCreepy aide has already creeped out his new coworkers. He’s only been there a damn day! Carli (one of my amazing aides) has friends that work at TC campus and they were talking to her about him. Oh, and apparently he was discussing the movie Deadpool.......with a pack of 2nd graders.
Now don’t get me wrong. I ADORE Deadpool....but there isn’t a damn thing in that movie that would be appropriate to discuss with 2nd graders. ::shakes her head:: I sincerely believe this guy has ZERO business being around children. Period. But I guess it’s going to take an irate parent or two to actually get him fired.
Have I mentioned lately how much I can’t wait to finish up my degree and get a job outside of child care? Man, it never fails – give a child care job long enough....and it ALWAYS goes to shit. Hopefully, I won’t receive personalized death threats at this job..... ::laughs::
Hawks have been popping up in the flesh lately. Tuesday, I watch TWO different hawks hunt. A red-shouldered hawk attempted to take a bird on the wing (unsuccessful), and then 5 minutes later I saw a red-tailed hawk attempt to take a rabbit in a field (unsuccessful). Love these birds of prey. And given how many I’ve seen in the past few days, I’ll look into the totem qualities there.
To me personally, Hawk reminds me to let go of the bullshit that’s weighing me down. I need to take to the skies and get a broader view on my life, but you can’t do that if you are holding on to all the bullshit. Generally, Hawk also heralds a change in perspective or vision, so I’m curious to see what changes are on the wind for me.
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