Inner Witch October Photo Challenge:

Day 24: Magickal Clothing


This is my ritual robe made ages ago by the wildly awesome Jennifer K. She had been holding onto that fabric for ages, not knowing what she was going to do with it. And then she decided to make me a robe. I got it around Halloween (though, I can’t remember the year). I just love it. Perfect for a Priestess of Sekhmet.
All in all, a damn good day.
I got three postcards today from Postcrossing – Czech Republic, France, and Germany.
My order of the seasoned Crickettes arrived. The students are so excited now for Halloween. That’s when we’ll be eating the crickets. The parents have demanded photographic proof as they cannot believe their children willingly ate crickets the last time. So that should be fun.
And I finally got my
maternal grandfather’s family tree hung up. I knew it was a beast....I
just didn’t know how much of a beast:
It is TWELVE feet long. And it’s just his direct ancestors. Crazy, eh? My maternal grandmother’s family tree is a whooping TWO pages. And my paternal grandmother’s is FOUR. ::laughs:: Maternal grandfather is THIRTY-SIX pages. I just need to print out my paternal grandfather’s tree (it’s a mere ONE page) and I’ll have my four branches up.
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