Inner Witch October Photo Challenge:
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Day 19: Ancestors
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Lady top row, center is my Great Great Grandmother.
Lady bottom row, far right is my Great Grandmother.
Traditionally, Samhain – indeed the entire month of October, and part of November – is all about honoring the Ancestors – those who came before and that have crossed the Veil (such a polite word for Death). I have seen some truly beautiful altars/memorials created for the Beloved Dead. I just don’t see myself creating one of those. Maybe it’s the distrust of most humans/humanoids I harbor at a gut level (like Fae and Angels as well). Maybe its the super non-Traditionalist I am at my core. Or (most likely), maybe it’s because I have been every lucky to have lost so few people I am close to?
Don’t get me wrong. I have lost people – family and friends. But few of those have been recent. And I’ve also made my peace with their passings.
I will however carve a Jack-o-Lantern (or two, or three) – it’s a light in the dark for the Dead on that All Hallow’s Eve. They will be called to my home and allowed to commune if they wish. Food will be left for them to feed them on their travels. But I do not feel the pull at this time to create an elaborate shrine to my Ancestors.
With the extensive work I’ve done on my Family Tree over the past year, I am certainly not left wanting for the names (and sometimes photos) of my Ancestors. And maybe, in the future, I will put forth the time and the effort to truly know my ancestors – to print out their photos. And maybe, one day, I will build a “proper” altar/shrine/memorial to them.
Or maybe not. ::chuckles:: I will just have to wait and see I guess.
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