Monday, October 31, 2016


Inner Witch October Photo Challenge:
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Day 31: Samhain
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Items left to right:
Red seven-day candle (Sekhmet’s candle, but used for ceremony tonight).
Athame sheath in front of it red candle.
Galaxy coyote skull.
10 inch elk hide drum and drum beater (that I made myself last year).
Black Samhain seven-day candle (from Sage Goddess).
Massive shed white tailed deer antler (a gift from a previous student years ago).
Apple (called “Envy” – HAD to get it once I saw the name – thought it was hilarious) food for the Dead.
Incense burner with Dragon’s Blood Incense (from HarvestMoonHaven – seriously, this is hands down THE BEST Dragon’s Blood Incense I have EVER smelled!)
Pomegranate juice in the glass.
My beloved Athame (black handled ritual knife).
Orange seven-day candle (also Sekhmet’s candle, but used for ceremony tonight).

I opened up my Circle to include my entire room this time, as I would be saying each Ancestor’s name aloud. And I kept the lights on as well, to facilitate being able to read the names. After each name I was read out loud, I beat my little drum three times. I got a nice little rhythm going as I read through the names. It definitely took more than a minute to do.

While it certainly didn’t feel like my most powerful ritual…but damn did it raise the temperature in my room. It certainly got hot in there quickly, which tells me that I did raise quite a bit of energy, even if I did not feel it myself. ::smiles::

Me post-ritual:
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The apple, plus a dog treat for Holly were buried in the back yard to feed the dead. Plus half the pomegranate juice was poured out as libation to the Beloved Dead.

Blessed Samhain!

Sunday, October 30, 2016

New Moon

Inner Witch October Photo Challenge:
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Day 30: New Moon
New Moon Altar:
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Items left to right:
Galaxy coyote skull.
Athame sheath and Athame (black handled blade).
Red seven-day candle (for Sekhmet).
Sekhmet painting by Kimberly.
Two candles in front of the Sekhmet painting:
- Red one to honor my MoonTime
- White one to honor the New Moon (anointed with “Muse” perfumed oil by Sage Goddess)
In front of the white candle: A small white protection bundle (from my Vision Quest), one of my Zuni fetishes – a white Mountain Lion, and a brown leather medicine bag in which the protection bundle and the mountain lion reside in.
In front of that is a blue pouch that houses my Messenger Oracle deck.
Orange seven-day candle (also for Sekhmet).
Incense burner with the Scorpio incense (from Hearth Wisdom Store, local).

Photo of the tarot spread I used for the new moon, using the Messenger Oracle Deck:
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And photo of me, post ritual:
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All in all, another pleasant ritual for sure. I don’t typically do a New Moon ritual, but given the prompt for today, I figured why not. And then I remembered that I needed to recharge my protection bundle from my Vision Quest. I was supposed to do that on September’s new moon, but I completely forgot. So this was the next best time. ::smiles::

I also put the Call out to the Beloved Dead, that tomorrow, in ritual, they were welcome to join me. I told them that I would be saying each name on the family trees that I have up. And as long as they would behave and bring me no negativity, they were welcome to attend my Circle. The food that I will leave outside for them tomorrow night, they are welcome to, to feed them in their journeys. And then I stated very clearly, that once the ritual had concluded, they would travel back across the Veil. None will be allowed to linger.

Side note: holy fuck, I LOVE the smell of “Muse”. It’s still on my hands from when I dressed the candle with it. Of course, I only have a small sample given to me by Sage Goddess, tucked into one of my orders from her. The bottle of the stuff costs $42....but is currently out of stock. ::sighs:: Sad for my heart, that loves the smell. But good for my bank account for now. Hopefully it will come back into stock before the holidays. If not, well, I’ll set aside the money and wait. ::smiles::

Hazel called me today, completely weary. She inquired how I was feeling and told me how utterly exhausted she was due to all the spirit activity that this Samhain was bringing. I told her some ways to be more selective on the spirits she welcomes into her home. Even though they are family, there should still be a protocol for visitations.

Which reminds me, I need to make a spirit bottle for tomorrow. It’s a jar that you fill with rice, or beans, and small seeds. You set it in front of the house, and the spirits have to count all the items within it before they can enter the house. This calms the energy of the spirit. Plus, if you use food, they can eat that as well, which adds to the mellow factor. ::chuckles::

It just cracks me up that Hazel claims to be this big, bad chaos witch that dabbles in Voodoo/Vudun. And yet, she’d never even heard of a spirit bottle. That’s basic Vudun, Gypsy, and Trad Witchcraft. ::shrugs:: Oh well. Just goes to show you that you can put in a ton of time with this Path and there will always be a shit ton you don’t know about. ::laughs:: Love it!

Saturday, October 29, 2016


Inner Witch October Photo Challenge:
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Day 29: Jack-o-Lantern
I typically do at least TWO jack-o-lanterns.
First one is the traditional Batman one (ok, so it’s a tradition for my husband and I):

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And the second one is the more standard, traditional jack-o-lantern:
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And the Grin in the Dark:
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Ah, so yeah. MoonTime started half a week early. That explains part of the break down from yesterday.

Everything else that I complained about still applies. But with the impending MoonTime, it’s like the volume is turned way up. So everything is more irritating.

Was supposed to go to Mike’s Halloween Party.
But we didn’t.
Didn’t feel like getting a costume.
Didn’t feel like driving over there and hanging out with a bunch of people we probably wouldn’t even know.
Fuck that. We stayed home. I carved a pumpkin (The Grin above) and am currently roasting those seeds.
And we’re watching DeadPool. All in all, a damn good Saturday night for us.

Break Down

written: October 28th

Inner Witch October Photo Challenge:
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Day 28: Witchy Author
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Four of my favorite Witchcraft books.

So I finally got myself up and to the polling station:

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Hurray me.

Wheee! Just had a minor break down. In front of the Husband, none-the-less. For those who don’t know me, I am not ashamed of having a break down. Honestly, I was due for one about a month ago, so I’m surprised I made it this long without one. What I didn’t enjoy is that I did it in front of an audience. Granted, Hubs knows to let it go and let me do what I need to do to get myself back right.

I’m just overly stressed. And I’m burnt out so much on my current job. I’m tired of fighting with my supervisor for basic shit. I really, really, REALLY need a damn break.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Thankful Thursday

Inner Witch October Photo Challenge:
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Day 27: Sacred Site
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Sacred site: Wolf Park
Photo by Monty Sloan from 2007.
Man, I seriously have to get my punk ass back up there.

I am grateful…
1. that I took today off of work. I seriously needed the break from the craziness of work and school and all that jazz.
2. able to do something nice for a friend, Annie, while getting rid of some gift cards that have been hanging around, collecting dust. A win for Annie and I feel better not letting these things go to waste.
3. all the awesome post cards I get through I am so glad Deina introduced me to it.
4. done with all my assignments for this week. Thank all that is holy for that.
5. coming up on Halloween weekend! I’m ready to curl up and watch a scary movie with the husband. Gotta figure out what I will do for the New Moon and then for Samhain.
6. damn good late lunch David treated us to at Texas Roadhouse. Amazing food.
7. changing how I do my daily affirmations and loving the new surge of power that’s come from it.
8. month’s almost over, which means the National Journal Writing Month challenge, the photography challenge, AND the Tarot challenge are almost all over as well. While it’s been nice to really challenge myself to keep up with everything, I will be grateful for a calmer month.
9. goofy lil pup that as the ability to be so damn sweet and adorable that it makes me forget all the times she irritates the shit out of me. ::laughs::
10. Leviathan (my snake) lounging out in the open and being social. I need to take her up to visit the students soon before the weather truly begins to cool off.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016


Inner Witch October Photo Challenge:
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Day 26: Bell
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Another traditional pagan ritual item that I do not have. The best I have is a small bell on my athame case. I would like to have a bell, but I’m super picky. And besides, I have a drum (plus another one other way), so why not use that? It certainly feels better at my core when I use the drum.

It has been a while since Sekhmet has directly spoken to me. I had forgotten the deep rumble of power that comes with her words. Words that cut to the core. Sekhmet is not a deity to mince words and each word carries true weight.

I have been doing my daily affirmations each day before I go to work. I inscribe a pentacle upon my forehead (where the 3rd eye is), and then clasping my hands in traditional prayer stance and bowing my head to state my affirmations for the day.

Well, not today. Today, I threw my hands up high, reaching up to the heavens. I tossed my head back and looked boldly into the sky and demanded my affirmations of myself. There was no meek “asking” for good things to happen. I was telling myself and Those Who Listen that good things WERE going to happen.

And holy fuck, did it feel AMAZING. I am demanding this of myself. I am not always meek. And while meek does have its uses and advantages, it is not my natural state of being, and that is just fine. I need to do more to embrace who I am and to empower myself.

And in one single, earth-shaking word, Sekhmet pronounced “Finally”.
::laughs:: Yes, finally!

See, I am not meant to bow my head in submission. Though, I elect to bow my head at times out of honor.

I am not meant to clasp my hands and HOPE that someone “bigger” than myself comes along to fix my life. I am responsible for this spin around the universe.

I am not meant to lower my gaze, demand less respect for myself, nor hold myself below others…unless they prove themselves superior in that realm. Even then? We are still humans and we are still equal.

So I’ve opted to take tomorrow off of work. I am so burnt completely out and I can barely even be civil at my job. I still have three chapters to read for my quiz tomorrow that I haven’t even been able to touch.

So yeah. I’m putting me first.
Because shit gets dangerous when I don’t. ::grins toothily::

Welcome to Junior High

written: October 25th
Inner Witch October Photo Challenge:
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Day 25: Divination
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My daily tarot draw for the day.
Deck: The Pathfinders Deck

So my nutty friend Hazel had gone MIA for a bit once more. And even nutty acquaintance Derrie was in full panic mode about Hazel going MIA. So of course, with me knowing Hazel in Real Life (tm) and knowing where she lives in Real Life (tm), I was nominated to drop in on Hazel and verify that she was indeed among the living. ::chuckles::

Turns out, she is indeed alive and well. Which is nice, because I kind of like that nutty lady. ::chuckles:: I only had a few moments and she was busy attempting to make homemade corndogs with her two kids. Not gonna lie, I was sorta tempted to stay and eat me some corndogs. But she was going to bake them, and I love the totally horrible for you FRIED ones instead. Besides, I still have the Info Hunt/Eval due tomorrow that I’m about 2/3 the way done with.

So I got to report back to Derrie and let her know everything is fine. And I love how all nonchalant she was about it too. Like she wasn’t wigging the fuck out last Friday about it. ::rolls her eyes::

All I can say is that I’m glad I’m not a member of the YouTube Pagan Community. They are freaking nuts and psycho and so damn vicious to each other. When I first met Hazel and she introduced me to the YT Pagan Community, I thought it was awesome and even got hooked on a few of the channels/people. But man, it’s gonna straight up junior high drama with its packs of vicious individuals that just descent out of nowhere to shred someone completely down and then disappear back into the ether. Yeah, fuck that noise. I have more than enough on my plate at the moment. I don’t need that bullshit drama as well.

Monday, October 24, 2016

A Good Day

Inner Witch October Photo Challenge:
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Day 24: Magickal Clothing
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This is my ritual robe made ages ago by the wildly awesome Jennifer K. She had been holding onto that fabric for ages, not knowing what she was going to do with it. And then she decided to make me a robe. I got it around Halloween (though, I can’t remember the year). I just love it. Perfect for a Priestess of Sekhmet.

All in all, a damn good day.

I got three postcards today from Postcrossing – Czech Republic, France, and Germany.

My order of the seasoned Crickettes arrived. The students are so excited now for Halloween. That’s when we’ll be eating the crickets. The parents have demanded photographic proof as they cannot believe their children willingly ate crickets the last time. So that should be fun.

And I finally got my maternal grandfather’s family tree hung up. I knew it was a beast....I just didn’t know how much of a beast:

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It is TWELVE feet long. And it’s just his direct ancestors. Crazy, eh? My maternal grandmother’s family tree is a whooping TWO pages. And my paternal grandmother’s is FOUR. ::laughs:: Maternal grandfather is THIRTY-SIX pages. I just need to print out my paternal grandfather’s tree (it’s a mere ONE page) and I’ll have my four branches up.

Sunday, October 23, 2016


Inner Witch October Photo Challenge:
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Day 23: Witch’s Familiar
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Honestly, I don’t think Josey truly is a “familiar” in the manner I understand them. But she loves watching me shuffle my Tarot decks, always has to check out my altar, and hates being separated from me when I’m doing ritual.

But does she ACTUALLY aide me in ritual/ceremony/magick? I don’t think so. But she’s the closest I have to fit the “Witch’s Familiar” topic.

I spent most of today working on and off two different projects for my two classes. I’m mostly done with the third round of Information Hunts & Evaluations project (28 moving parts for it) for INFO 5800. And I will work on the other Exercise for INFO 5300 tomorrow. I need to print it out the 12 pages for it so I can start working on it. I just work so much better with the papers in my hands. I like the tactile feel and being able to lay things out physically.

Hopefully, once I get the three projects that are due this week done and off my plate, I can turn my attention to putting together the family trees I’ve printed out for my maternal grandmother, maternal grandfather, and paternal grandmother.

The maternal grandfather tree is the one that will require the MOST work. It’s 36 pages (makes a 18 page wide x 2 pages long). I need to verify the information, to make sure ancestors didn’t get double added (has happened in the past). I want to verify all of it before Thanksgiving, because I want to have it to hang up for the family to see. I would like to share my findings with them. I’ve traced that family tree back to the 1450s.

Again, I’m a tactile person. I need to have it up on the wall, with all the connecting lines drawn so that I can actually visualize my family tree. And I need to make sure the information is correct.
And, speaking of my genealogy pursuits, Annie (a damn awesome friend) pointed out that, while I was grumping about not having anything BIG planned for Samhain…that THIS is a GRAND way of honoring my Ancestors. So I’ll hang those up for Samhain and just invite any and all that would like to come share space for a time. If nothing else, it must mean something to them just to be recalled. No telling when the last time someone said their names. So thank you, Annie, for pointing that out to me. I am grateful.

Waning, Moon & Otherwise

written October 22nd

Inner Witch October Photo Challenge:
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Day 22: Waning Moon
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The weather is finally starting to cool off here. Down into the 70s! Woohoo! It’s finally starting to feel like AUTUMN! ::grins toothily::

Yesterday....was brutal. So brutal.

Extra long day. And because we had to be there so early, I wasn’t able to eat lunch. Fuck what the bosses say, next early release, my staff and I are totally ordering pizzas for ourselves. Of course, we’ll eat it in the office, not in front of the students. But fuck me, that’s a long ass work day to go with so very little food.

Oh yeah, and they aren’t giving us official breaks because there’s all this red-tape that would limit how we could do the breaks – claiming they don’t even HAVE to give us a break. Which I’m pretty sure is bullshit. I’m pretty sure Texas law says that if you work 4+ hours, you get a 15 minute break. And they said we could bring a “little snack” to enjoy when the students are having their snack....and that’s it. ::shakes her head:: Yeah, I’m thinking of contacting the TX Work Force Commission just to verify what they are “claiming”. I’m not seeking to get my workplace in trouble, but wanting to verify for myself that what they are saying is correct.

I was supposed to go to a scrying class tonight. And didn’t.
I was supposed to go to Wendy’s Halloween Party tonight. And didn’t.

I’m so not sorry about bailing on both of those. I needed the veg time at home. I needed to relax and catch up on my sleep. I needed to hang out with my dog and my husband. We needed to watch Independence Day: Resurgence. And it was everything I wanted and needed and hoped for.

We hit Michael’s craft store because I needed new brushes for the art journals. Yeah, I’m getting back into that hopefully. Annette mentioned she wanted to do another journal swap, so I’m hosting that as well. And while at Michael’s, I came across a GORGEOUS little sketchbook that will be perfect for an art journal. So yeah, snagged that and will hopefully begin working in that soon.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Athame & Not All Men BS

Inner Witch October Photo Challenge:
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Day 21: God (Athame)
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Seeing as how the god plays little to no role in my faith, I decided instead to share a photo of my athame, since I had to choose between the wand and the athame yesterday.

11.75 inches long
damascus blade
buffalo horn handle

Unlike the wand from yesterday, this is no gentle beast of an athame. You know you are holding a thing of power when you lay hands upon her. Though, I don’t recommend you do that until I specifically tell you. I use my athame to Cast the Circle, to call in Sekhmet, to bless and charge items, and to direct energy. While the wand is a creature of air and lightness, the athame is a beast of fire and direction.

I am writing this entry earlier in the day than normal because today is an early release day for the students....which means MY after school program is extra long. I have to report to work at 11:15 and the students are released around 11:40 am. Insane. So yeah, I’ll work 11:15 am until about 6:30 pm (possibly later, if there any of the parents are running late). I’m really not looking forward to it, but it is what it is.

I had to take a break yesterday from Facebook for a bit. I got to witness someone having the courage to share their sexual harassment story and see so many people tear her down for it. It made me physically ill.

I got to witness first hand the whole “not all men” bull shit. And I wanted to scream at him that nowhere in her narrative did she EVER say all men. It was three men who shouted at her and her friends when they were 8 years old about how nice their pussies must be.

And because she used the line Trump said about him being able to grab women by their pussies, another woman was quick to attack her, saying what a horrible person Hillary was. Like seriously people? WHAT THE EVER LOVING FUCK?????

I hate that people STILL victim blame and I hate it even more when women do it to each other.

I hate when a person has the STRENGTH to share their survivor story that other people jump in saying “well not all men....”. We are aware that not all men brag about grabbing women by their pussies without consent (because that is SEXUAL ASSAULT). But there ARE men who DO. There are men out there saying this horrible things to us, doing these horrible things to us. And just because you are one of the men who don’t do that? That doesn’t invalidate the experiences we’ve had with the men that DO. Just stop already. HEAR us when we share our experiences. Help us if we ask for it. Know that because we WERE raped by a man doesn’t mean we automatically believe you are a rapist as well. But when you spout off with the “well not ALL men” fucking line? Yeah, thanks bro, for letting me know you are a worthless lil shit that cares more about the image of MEN than the experience of a female friend. Thanks bro, for letting me know that I cannot depend on you for support. Thanks bro, for letting me know all of that with four little words, that I cannot be friends with you any more.

And I know people will bash on me for refusing to be friends with people who say that shit. I know people say all the time “shouldn’t you be friends with people of differing views?”

I am friends with people from all walks of life. We are all different and we all see things a little differently from each other based on our belief systems and experiences.

However, I will NOT be friends with a pedophile just so I can have a “different” view. I will not be friends with an abusive person who I can have a “different” view. I will not be friends with a Klan member for that “different” view. I will not be friends with someone from the Westboro Cult for that “different” view. And I will NOT be friends with someone who seeks to discredit or deflect someone’s survivor story for a “different” view. Fuck that noise.

Thankful Thursday

written October 20th

Inner Witch October Photo Challenge:
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Day 20: Wand or Athame
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Yep, that’s my wand. Ain’t it gorgeous? Purchased from the Crystal Clan back on February 21, 2014.

It’s made of cedar wood with a large quartz point, wrapped with palomino deer leather. It’s 15 5/8 inches long and the quartz crystal is a whopping 3” x 1/2” x 1”. She’s truly a beast, but a gentle one thus far. It’s a good weight in the hand and you are definitely aware of her gentle strength when using her in ritual.

I am thankful....
1. for a solid team now at my work. Still training my newest arrival, but I now have the utmost confidence in my aides and I am deeply relieved for that.
2. the truly awesome storm that blew through at 5 am. So much lightning and thunder and rain.
3. the warm sun upon my face and shoulders as I paused to regroup myself out in my yard.
4. lovely thank you letter I just received from the International Exotic Animal Sanctuary in response to my donation I gave back on the North Texas Giving Day – on that day, any donations of $25 or more is matched. I was not expecting anything in return. They do great things. But the letter and a photo of one of the bears was a truly heart warming surprise today.
5. one of my former students, Carson A., stopped by to see me. He’s a 9th or 10th grader now. So, again, I must be doing my job right (even if the bosses don’t see it that way) for my former students to keep on dropping by to see me.
6. recognizing that I do not have to win every “battle” set before me. I get to choose my own battles and if it isn’t worth to me, I can walk away.
7. homemade Chai tea lattes in the mornings.
8. that tomorrow is an early release and while that means an EXTRA long day for me and I’m not exactly looking forward to it, at least I have awesome students AND it’s extra money on the paycheck (that I’m going to desperately need due to a big plumbing repair bill).
9. Josey, equal parts irritating lil shit and most adorable puppy ever. ::laughs::
10. David paid for a new hide for Leviathan. Her previous hide wasn’t sealed, so it’s become quite stained (even though it’s clean) and just looked really, really bad.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016


Inner Witch October Photo Challenge:
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Day 19: Ancestors
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Lady top row, center is my Great Great Grandmother.
Lady bottom row, far right is my Great Grandmother.

Traditionally, Samhain – indeed the entire month of October, and part of November – is all about honoring the Ancestors – those who came before and that have crossed the Veil (such a polite word for Death). I have seen some truly beautiful altars/memorials created for the Beloved Dead. I just don’t see myself creating one of those. Maybe it’s the distrust of most humans/humanoids I harbor at a gut level (like Fae and Angels as well). Maybe its the super non-Traditionalist I am at my core. Or (most likely), maybe it’s because I have been every lucky to have lost so few people I am close to?

Don’t get me wrong. I have lost people – family and friends. But few of those have been recent. And I’ve also made my peace with their passings.

I will however carve a Jack-o-Lantern (or two, or three) – it’s a light in the dark for the Dead on that All Hallow’s Eve. They will be called to my home and allowed to commune if they wish. Food will be left for them to feed them on their travels. But I do not feel the pull at this time to create an elaborate shrine to my Ancestors.

With the extensive work I’ve done on my Family Tree over the past year, I am certainly not left wanting for the names (and sometimes photos) of my Ancestors. And maybe, in the future, I will put forth the time and the effort to truly know my ancestors – to print out their photos. And maybe, one day, I will build a “proper” altar/shrine/memorial to them.

Or maybe not. ::chuckles:: I will just have to wait and see I guess.

Book of Shadows

written October 18th

Inner Witch October Photo Challenge:
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Day 18: Book of Shadows
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I have one Book of Shadows – a Pagan’s collection of rituals and spells (the how-tos and information) – the binder. I like to move things around and a 3-ring binder allows for that. I can add things as I find them and try them out. And I can remove things that I no longer do and that no longer serve my practice.

The journal (why, YES, that is the Deathly Hallows symbol from Harry Potter – I thought it to be hilarious) is what I call a Book of Mirrors. This is more of an actual journal than the Book of Shadows. Think of the Book of Shadows more as a How-To Guide and the Book of Mirrors as a memoir. In the Book of Mirrors I write about how I felt about a particular ritual or spell. Poetry and art find their ways into the Book of Mirrors easily. Though, to be honest, I haven’t worked in my Book of Mirrors in quite some time. ::sighs:: Too much other stuff going on. But I do document various Pagan-related things in my blog and my Catch-All/Bullet-Journal that will EVENTUALLY make their way into the Book of Mirrors and possibly the Book of Shadows as well.

That is of course, if I ever actually get on the ball about this stuff. ::laughs::

Chalice and Hetero Thoughts

written October 17th

Inner Witch October Photo-Challenge:
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Day 17: Chalice
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I don’t have a chalice. Given that 99% of my ritual/ceremonial work is solitary, I have zero need for a large chalice. Instead, I use this adorable glass my husband has a set of. It’s perfect for my needs.

I’ve had chalices in the past and for the longest, I was hung up on the belief that I HAD to have one. Given that I’ve hit my second decade as a practicing Pagan, I’ve let go of a lot of that whole “have to have such-n-such item” belief. There are a lot of tools out there that I would LIKE to have, sure. But I don’t HAVE to have it.

Now, I’m sure if I were running a Coven, then yes, I would definitely get a large, traditional chalice for group ritual work. Just makes sense. But since it’s just me running solo, and most of the time, I don’t even do the cakes and ale portion of the traditional ritual anyways, I don’t have a particular need for a large chalice.

Speaking of the cakes and ale portion, I think the main reason I don’t do it, is because of the traditional blessing that goes with it. Binary, heterosexual undertones for sure. The athame is inserted into the chalice to bless it (athame = penis; chalice = vagina/womb) and then the athame sprinkles the wine on the cakes to bless them. Yeah, I’m not all about that. ::chuckles:: Even though I was born a female and identify completely as a female, and am mostly hetero – that portion of the ritual just doesn’t speak to me. All of the Covens I’ve been a part of do this blessing of the cakes and ale, and while in Coven, I’ll engage in it. But for me, when I’m running solo? Nope. No thank you. Hell, 99.5% of the time, a male deity isn’t even invoked or thought of in my personal rituals. ::shrugs::

Hmm, I didn’t realize I felt that strongly about it until I got to writing and really thinking about it and questioning why I do things the way I do them. ::chuckles:: But that’s a good thing. I do need to stop and question my beliefs and rituals and practices from time to time. The last thing I want to be doing is something I don’t actually agree with, but I’ve just always done it, so I continue doing it. Not my cup of tea at all. Hence why my personal beliefs/rituals/ceremonies are constantly in flux…constantly changing.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Anniversary and Time Off

Inner Witch October Photo Challenge:
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Day 16: Herb Magick
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Yeah, that’s about as herbal as I get. I super very rarely use herbs. But I’ll sage the shit out of things for damn sure.

A little over half way done with this project. I’ve done fairly well with keeping up with the daily Photography, Writing, AND Tarot challenges. Plus, I am doing school work and employment work as well. So not too shabby, eh? ::chuckles::

Hard to believe this past Monday (October 10th) was my EIGHTH anniversary of being cancer free. Eight years ago, I had my LEEP procedure (that did NOT go according to plan), and that removed the lesion on my cervix. Luckily, I have been cancer free since then....because there is NO way I would ever want to go through that EVER again.

I have so much to do this month.
I need to plan out something for the New Moon (Oct 30th) – namely I need to recharge and rebless my protection bundle from my Vision Quest.
I need to plan out something for Samhain (Oct 31st).
I need to carve my pumpkin and roast the seeds.
There’s school work that needs to be done.
Job that needs to be done.
We need to figure out what we are going to do about the water leak.
I need to purchase my ticket for the Divine Felines of Ancient Egypt display at the Museum (tickets for the day of my 35th birthday).
Need to finalize my goals (still).
And need to really start working on the whole year-review thing for my Tabula Rasa ceremony.

Man, I just need a full week off of all responsibilities to get all of this accomplished!

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Blessed Full Moon

Just finished up a spur-of-the-moment Full Moon ritual, called an Esbat. Seems the bulk of my rituals are spur of the moment, no? Honestly, I thought the full moon was tomorrow. ::laughs:: Oh well.

Even with my husband bellowing up to me about sponge brushes half way through my ritual (I neglected to tell him what I was doing, so no fault on him), it turned out quite nice.

Altar (which is my Inner Witch October Photo-Challenge submission for “Full Moon”):
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Starting at the left and moving towards the right of the altar....
Black-handled knife – my athame that I adore with all that I am. For serious.
Galaxy painted coyote skull.
Sekhmet painting.
Altar pentacle in front of the painting. On the pentacle are the wolf claw necklace from Brandy, my Zuni carved white mountain lion (she resides in a protection bundle I have from my Vision Quest), and the Little Sorceress crystal pendant from Luna Blue Boutique.
The white sphere in front of the altar pentacle is a selenite sphere I use as my representation of the Full Moon.
Four white tea lights.
Artemis incense.
Three special feathers.
And the Medicine Cards oracle deck.

I’ll write up the ritual itself in my Book of Mirrors. I just don’t feel like that I’m supposed to share the down and dirty aspects of my personal rituals/ceremonies at this time.

Me, post ritual, wearing the now blessed Little Sorceress pendant:
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And I love how the tealights are burning in crescent moon shapes:
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I like to let the incense and candles burn out completely. So I put the tea lights in a terracotta dish (bottom of a flower pot), to protect my altar cloth and altar from the heat while they burn down.

All in all, a very nice ritual. I’ve already got plans for November’s full moon percolating in my head. Hopefully THAT full moon Esbat won’t be quite so spur of the moment. ::grins and winks::

Doin' Something Right

written: Oct 14th

It’s days like today that make me realize just how much I actually do enjoy my job in the after school program and how much I will miss it when I finally close the chapter on it.  And it also makes me realize that other people will miss me as well.

Amber (aide from last year) wanted to stop by and check in on the students.  She ended up staying over an hour just hanging out with the kids and with me and Jess (Amber worked with both of us last year…the other aides from last year have since moved on).  I had forgotten just how awesome Amber was and it really was great to see her again.  She’s student teaching at the moment and is loving her kindergarten group.

And then towards the end of the day, Vincent stopped by.  He was one of my students a few years back.  He was definitely one of the more challenging students but he was also a favorite of mine.  It’s just really refreshing to know that even though we butted heads more times than naught, I was still a good enough teacher that I made a connection there.  Life threw him a number of curve balls all at once, but he seems to be doing really well right now and has quite a bit of his life already mapped out.  He’s wanting to go to West Point – and even though that’s Army based, he does eventually want to go into the Navy to try out for the Seals.  I told him that if that’s what he really wanted to do, while he’s in the Army, he might check out the Rangers.  He remembered that my husband was an Airborne Ranger for a number of years.  I really do wish Vincent all the best.  He’s more than earned it.

So yeah, just having Shitty McCreepy Pants off my campus, it’s really lightened the mood.  We, as a campus, joke more and goof off more.  The staff isn’t always on edge because they never know when or where he’ll pop up, or what he’ll say to the students.  It’s really allowed all of us to relax and get back to what we enjoy the most – being silly with the students.

Catching up on the Photo Challenge

written: October 14th

Ok, so it seems Photobucket is back to behaving.....for now.

 Inner Witch October Photo Challenge:

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Day #13: Crystal Magick
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Just showing off the amethyst and moonstone gemstone necklace I purchased from Luna Blue Boutique. ::smiles::

Day 14: Spell Work
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I very rarely do spell work these days, and when I do, it’s usually super organic. ::laughs:: A leaf, a feather, food, incense, a candle – and I’m good. Above is a spell that I actually did back on Sept 16. And yes, those actually are Q-tips for the spell. ::laughs::

Friday, October 14, 2016

Thankful Thursday

written: Oct 13th

Well, it seems Photobucket has completely crapped the bed.  So the photos will have to wait until either Photobucket can get its act together or I find another platform for sharing my photos.  ::sighs::  Just sucks.

Anyways.  It’s Thursday, and that means Thankful Thursday time!

I am grateful….
1.       That Shitty McCreepy Pants is no longer on my campus creeping me and all of the staff the fuck out.  I have seen a dramatic change in my staff and myself by not having that stalker constantly standing too close, staring, and hovering around us at all times.
2.       Really nice paycheck.  Paid all my bills.  Paid another installment on my drum from Brandy.  And I still have money left over.  After being so strapped for cash for so long, I am deeply grateful to have this cushion.
3.       Still maintaining A’s in BOTH of my classes.  That first semester really had me questioning my intelligence and my ability to work towards my Master’s degree.  But this semester is more like what I expected.  I am having to do quite a bit of work, but A’s are still achievable.  Honestly, an A in that damn database class, I don’t think was possible for me and that was very humbling.
4.       The Inner Witch October Photo-Challenge, the National Journal Writing Month challenge, and the Tarot Challenge all happening this month.  They are stretching me creatively and I’m really enjoying the process.
5.       Cooler weather.  It’s been in the low 80s and very pleasant this week.
6.       That David didn’t have to work this past weekend.  One of his coworkers wanted the weekend shift, so David happily let him take it.
7.       That I’ve had most of this week off of school work.  I’ve been able to relax a bit before diving into next week’s assignment at a more leisurely pace.
8.       Watching the new Ghostbusters movie with my husband.  It’s been a while since a movie has had us rolling with laughter like this one did.  We’ll certainly be watching it again.
9.       David treating us to Chinese food this evening.  Sooooo good.  And man, they don’t skimp on the portions.  We have enough for at least a whole ‘nother meal!
10.   Kong toys and Kong Easy Treat toy filler.  They are a life-saver with Josey and keep her entertained for a LONG time without her destroying it utterly.