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Josey watching “puppy tv” – sooooooooooo many cedar waxwings in the yard, eating the berries that come from that tree. It kept Josey entertained for a while…until one of the neighbors came home and it scared off all the birds. I seriously need to get a bird feeder set up there, specifically for Josey to enjoy watching from the window. ::chuckles::
I had my wrap-up meeting with Jennifer (my practicum supervisor at the F. Library). She surprised me with a lovely card signed by the entire Youth Services section AND a pack of the Gatorades I always have every morning that I worked there. ::smiles:: Just a really nice gesture.
And Jennifer gave me a ton of pointers on interviewing and all of that. I need to get a suit of some sort specifically for interviewing. And she gave me pointers on resumes and cover letters as well. And that I need to really sell myself during the interviews. Guess I need to email my Head Boss, Kelly, and ask her for the title of a book she recommended a few years back when I interviewed for a Zone Leader position (and thankfully did NOT get). It was a book about perfecting your “elevator speech” for interviews. I know I wrote it down at the time, but I don’t think I kept that sticky note. ::laughs:: And even if I did keep it – I have NO idea where it would be now.
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