written: April 28
Photo 393/1001
Some gorgeous sunflowers I saw at Tom Thumb today when I went to pick
up a prescription. I would have loved to have bought them, but money
is tight here at the end of the month. Besides, I would rather grow my
own at this point anyways. ::chuckles:: So I’ll have to find some
similar to these sunflowers (the colors aren’t tweaked at all), and
plant those next year.
I’m feeling better today. We had a lovely storm blow through around 7
am – thunder, lightning, and a ton of rain. Exactly what I was
needing. Maybe yesterday’s restlessness was due, in part, to the
incoming storm?
I completed my hour log for the Practicum class and turned that in.
Just have the reflective paper left. And I’m running so friggin’ low on
motivation currently. I just want to sleep and be lazy already.
::chuckles:: Gotta push through. Only two weeks left. I’ve got this.
After that, then I can nap in the mornings before heading to work.
I ran around today, doing various, little errands. Honestly, I just
needed out of the house for more than a hot minute. David was busy
busting down part of the brick retaining wall, so it was a good time to
be out of the house. I stopped in at Barnes & Nobel, telling myself
I would NOT be getting a new journal until I fill up the ones I already
have. Guess what I came home with? Yep, a NEW journal. ::laughs::
It’s the same style journal that I currently use for my BaBuJo
(Bastardized Bullet Journal). Which, yes I do have a blank one for that
already. BUT this one looks like white marble! So of course I had to
buy it.
My left eye is still slightly swollen. And it keeps threatening to
puff back up whenever I forget to take an allergy pill. So yeah, I’ve
been eating Benadryl like they’re tic-tacs here. Man, I can’t wait
until I can afford to go see an allergy specialist and figure out WHAT
ALL exactly I am allergic to, and to begin immunotherapy to hopefully
stop this type of reaction.
Now that my desk, soon to be converted over into an altar/sacred
space, is put together, I need to focus on what needs to be done to it
BEFORE I can start all of that.
It needs to be physically cleaned, top to bottom. Then it needs to
be spiritually cleaned. This will be done in a few stages – rain water
first, anointing oil, and then sage and either sweetgrass or palo santo
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