Photo 391/1001

My Josey puppers is so cute and innocent and sweet looking when she’s EXHAUSTED. ::chuckles:: When she’s not exhausted, she’s full of energy and life and oodles of mischievous energy.
I took her on a walk today through the neighborhood. We haven’t done that in a while due to me spending most mornings at the F. Library, so we are both a little extra pooped after that walk. ::chuckles:: I am planning on doing this every morning during the week. I typically don’t walk her on the weekend as most people are home then so she wants to greet ALL THE PEOPLES!!!!!!!
Work was fine until the very, very end. After my students and staff went home, I got hit with some sort of allergen and this is what I looked like:

Lovely, isn’t it? It ended up getting worse. ::sighs:: Yet another reason I need to hurry up and get a full time library job. Then I can afford to go see an allergist about this bullshit and hopefully start an immune-therapy to get my body to calm the FUCK DOWN about pollen.
I mean, seriously? My poor left eye has a DOUBLE CHIN going on! At least it isn’t painful. It’s just bothersome as I can’t really see all that great. And I look like something out of a horror film.
Yeah, I was HOPING to talk my husband into dinner at On the Border, but there is no way in hell I’m going out in public looking like this. So, instead, I talked him into Domino's (delivery, of course) instead.
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