Photo 367/1001

A small egg shell I found in the front yard. It’s either a dove or a mockingbird from the bird population we have. A good sign that spring is here. ::smiles::
Ok, so no headache what-so-ever today. Not even the migraine “hangover” that I usually experience – where my brain just feels bruised from the migraine the day before. It’s like I didn’t even have a headache yesterday. So weird, but I’m not complaining. ::chuckles::
My Spirit Animal Oracle deck that I ordered from the Hay House (because they were having an INSANE sale) has shipped. I can’t wait for it to arrive. I’m doing a 7 Days, 7 Decks tarot/oracle challenge thing, but only have 6 decks currently. ::chuckles:: So hopefully my new deck will arrive before the seven days are up. Yesterday I used the Oracle of the Dreamtime deck that Hazel Nut gave me – it’s Australian Aboriginal based. I used it to do a Month Ahead reading. I was a little leery of using the Dreamtime oracle because it’s not always a “nice” deck – it can be almost as ugly as a traditional tarot deck. ::chuckles:: But all in all, April looks to be a good month as long as I steer it correctly.
I was supposed to do a lay out with the Messenger Oracle cards, but got into such a negative head-space that I just put the cards away today. I think I’ll just skip today and do it tomorrow. So my 7 decks in 7 days may end up being more like 7 decks in a month. ::laughs::
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