Monday, April 29, 2019

Out of Sorts

written: April 27

Photo 392/1001


We finally lugged all of the desk upstairs and put it all together! Hurray! It’s a bit longer than I thought it would be, so I will have to use the other door to get into my closet (it’s a double-door opening). But I’m thrilled to have it up and ready to be cleaned, cleansed, blessed, dedicated, and then DECORATED! Eventually. ::laughs:: Gotta get through this damn semester first.

I’m feeling all out of sorts today. Maybe it’s the amount of Benadryl I’ve taken today to keep my eyes from swelling back up (MOSTLY working, though they are still very, very puffy). Maybe it’s the incoming storm that is supposed to hit later on tonight. Maybe it’s just that time of year. I dunno, but I want to be out DOING SOMETHING. I just don’t know what. And a sheer lack of funds greatly inhibits any Fun Thing that I would like to do at this time. ::grumbles::

David’s working on busting down the last part of the brick retaining wall we have. And I’m just inside, pacing like a damn caged animal. Maybe tomorrow we’ll go to Lowe’s and I can get the planter(s) and dirt I need to plant the last of my seeds. Maybe that will help with the excess energy.

It’s also been very weird NOT having an altar or a sacred space set up in my room for this long. I think part of the restlessness is also the need for a good ritual. But I feel kind of lost without an altar as the focal point. I know, I know, I could have set up something temporary, or even moved my old altar back out of the closet. But that just felt like too much effort. ::chuckles:: BUT, I have the new one set up. The Harpies have already laid claim to their area (the top right side). I need to make a stand for Sekhmet’s statue. There is a hole in the back to run computer wires, exactly where I want to put her statue. Ultimately, I would love to use the CNC Miller at the local library, to carve her cartouche into the wood. So for now, I’ll probably do a temporary one. Maybe I could go ahead and get the wooden slice I would use, and just have it there until I am able to get to the library to do the “safety training” and then convert the cartouche drawing over into a file the CNC Miller can read.

So many plans for all sorts of awesome things. But these are things I’m playing close to vest right now. If they turn out half as well as I am picturing in my head, I will definitely look into possibly starting an Etsy store for these items.

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