written: April 3
Photo 368/1001
Ladybug on my rosebush.
My Spirit Animal Oracle Deck arrived today – the Hay House was having
a crazy sale, so I was able to get the deck for a STEAL. And holy
crap. I ADORE it already. I’m thinking of doing a serious, in-depth
study of each card (there are 68 cards), so that eventually, I would
know the cards forwards and backwards. This would allow me to do
readings with the deck without having to consult the book, which would
be seriously nice.
Much better day today. I finished up the suggestions on picture
books to order for summer for the F. Library. I am so tired of books.
::laughs:: AND I finished weeding the Princess books. So that’s two
“special projects” I finished up today. Woohoo. Tomorrow I’m helping
with the Sensory Play Time at the F. Library, so no special projects for
me. I left a note for Bonnie to let her know that I finished both of
those projects so hopefully they can find me something else to do next
week. Or maybe, I’ll just get more desk time, which I would be ok with.
Mrs. Maria, our head custodian at the elementary I have my after
school program at, asked me point blank today what religion I am. My
knee-jerk reaction is to lie – to protect myself. But this time, I told
the truth. I told her I was Pagan. It went over world’s better than I
thought it would. ::chuckles:: We’ll just see if I get run out of
town here soon.
I seriously adore my family and friends. Loree, a cousin who lives
in Australia, tagged me on a photo she took of wombat poop she found in
the wild. ::laughs:: I had made a comment about being blown away upon
learning that wombat poop is cube shaped. ::laughs:: It seriously
started my day off with a good laugh seeing that she had tagged me on a
photo of wombat poop.
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