Photo 383/1001

My roses made it. The predicted insane weather didn’t materialize, thank goodness. I did make another offering to the Harpies, to thank them again for protecting my property and family. We did get some lovely rain around 1 am.
I’m knocking the final hours out at the F. Library. Hard to believe that this part of my life is coming to a close soon. I’ll miss the people there for sure. And if, once I graduate, there are any openings there, I will certainly apply. But for now, I will be really, really, REALLY happy to have my mornings back and to NOT be paying for toll roads. ::chuckles::
Look it! I actually did some coloring at work!

It’s a little coloring sheet, 4 inches by 6 inches. But it’s been AGES since I’ve had the free time and the mental focus to color something. ::chuckles::
I really miss coloring and I want to learn how to draw. I have a little sketchbook that I picked up at Michael’s a while back for like $3. I think I’m going to just start sketching in that, learning as I go. It doesn’t have to be perfect, as long as I’m learning. And I certainly don’t have to share it with anyone either. It’s just for me. Just to make me happy. And if I want, I can trace some of the little coloring sheets, like the turtle, into the sketchbook. That way, if I’m not feeling up to sketching, I can at least color that. I really like this idea. And the sketchbook is small enough that it can easily be added to my current bag that I carry all my shit around in. Just gotta toss in a mechanical pencil or two to my pen bag, and I’m all good to go.
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