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Part of the new-to-me desk that Elise was kind enough to deliver to us today. ::smiles:: I’m so excited to get it all put together and to start witching it up.
Other than that, I ran around doing a handful of errands I just hadn’t gotten to this week. I mailed out a fabulous gift box to Annette. And then I realized it will be her birthday this coming weekend. Dang, I wish I had noticed that earlier. I would have gotten her a birthday card. Oh well. I think she will be quite pleased with all the little gifties in the box, so that’s all that matters. It’s just a small box compared to the amazing boxes she sends me throughout the year. I’m just glad everything came together for this box. Kept a lovely sea/ocean theme – as that is her most favorite place.
I didn’t do ANY work on my paper today. All I have left is the Government Legislation – which is all about the Patriot Act, the Freedom Act, and all that jazz. Stuff I friggin’ HATE and find so incredibly non-exciting. So yeah, it’s like pulling teeth to get this part written. Since it’s due tomorrow night, I figure I will HAVE to write it at that point. ::chuckles:: So I’m giving myself today off. I got two parts written yesterday, so I’m doing well. And I’ve found all the resources I need for the final section. It’s just a matter of applying ass to chair and writing it.
I got the final part for the Red Fast Luck Oil ordered – the base oil. I wanted Jojoba oil and was hoping I could find it locally. No such luck and my ritual with Hazel Nut is swiftly approaching. So I ended up ordering it. I just hope it gets here in time. I’m more than a little anxious that I’ve waited too long and it won’t arrive by Friday. Fingers crossed that I’m worried all for nothing! ::chuckles::
Oh and a totally AWESOME thing that happened today – I was sitting outside with the Hubs and the Puppers and a hummingbird came into the yard and hovered for a while, checking me out. She even flew lower until she was about eye level (though, a good 7 feet away from me), cocked her head at me, and then flew off. Soooooooooo cool! And then a dragonfly just had the grandest hour buzzing around our yard. So yeah, I’ll take both of those totems as good signs. ::smiles::
I really do need to get a hummingbird feeder set up. I keep talking about doing it and wishing…I just need to do it. Same with a birdfeeder AND a bat house. One of these days….
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