Photo 370/1001
A sweet note left in my clipboard from one of my students. It cracks me up that they almost always draw me in a skirt, even though NONE of them have ever seen me in one. ::chuckles:: Man, those gender stereotypes are STRONG.
Decent enough day at work. Esmeralda, my supervisor, finally dropped off the 5th walkie-talkie (she’s had it over a week now). But a good note, our supply order had finally come in, so Esmeralda also brought all of that over as well. Seriously, I was positively giddy over the two large boxes of spiral notebooks. Few things make me as happy as new office supplies. ::laughs::
Today is the New Moon in Aries.
Seems to be the perfect day to begin my long-term spell to find the perfect job for me. I started with a green 7-day candle and wrote my requirements and desires the job should include on the glass with a black sharpie marker. I also wrote the intention of the entire spell along with my entire birth name on it. I debated on what name to use – I ended up going with my birth name, as that’s the name the job will use. I picked up a simple white plate at Walmart that has a really nice lip around it. I’ll share photos of it once the spell is complete and it’s no longer being used. But I picked it up specifically to use in spell work.
I started the candle spell on my altar, but needed to move it into the bathroom so I can burn it safely, so the plate acts as the base and keeps everything together. I took a job sigil and printed it out. I put that on the plate and traced over it with the very last dribbles of Red Fast Luck Oil I still have. I placed the green 7-day candle on top. The sigil infuses its energy into the candle and the candle infuses its energy into the sigil. Once the candle burns out completely (which will take quite some time), I will then burn the sigil to release all of the energy out into the Universe.
I scattered citrine chips around the candle. Which, note for future use – buy chip gemstone necklaces. These are easier to loop around the candle’s base and won’t slide around as much as loose gem stones. I also have these tiny quartz points that I bought a long time ago. I had the perfect amount for all 8 directions with ONE left over – that I strung on a piece of gold suede cord and tied to the candle itself. That crystal, at the end of the spell, will be a charm that I’ll wear as a bracelet, or anklet, maybe even a necklace to carry the spell with me until I get the job I want.
Like I said, originally all of this was created and done at my altar but has been moved to my bathroom. In my bathroom, I can safely let the candle burn (there’s nothing for it to catch fire there). Plus, I plan to light it each morning while I get ready for work or time at the F. Library. And as I blow the candle out each time (which is sometimes seen as a huge No-No in the Craft), I turn it into a positive thing. I’m blowing those energies each time out into the Universe, to begin linking me to the right job.
I am certainly proud of how this spell all came together and the amount of time and thought I’ve put into it as well. More detailed information, along with photos of it will go into my Witch’s Journal. I plan to leave room for notes in case I change anything or add anything, or anything happens during the course of the spell that I wish to document.
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