Photo for today:
Sleepy Jaguar at the Abilene Zoo. This is either Estella or Luna – I have no way of knowing. These cubs were originally born at the Fort Worth Zoo and I have photos of them as lil cubs. My have they have grown!
So yeah, up EARLY today and on the road by 7:15 am. This is huge, because I am NOT a morning person. ::laughs:: And then the powers that be decided to shut down I-35 southbound COMPLETELY. So a trip to my hometown takes about 3 hours….today it took a little over FOUR. Because I was stuck on 35 as they merged NINE LANES OF TRAFFIC into just ONE FUCKING LANE. It was awful. So awful. But once I got out of that, it was smooth sailing thank god.
I got into town with plenty of time to get my car inspected – had to get two new windshield wipers, which I knew I would have to, so it wasn’t a terrible surprise or anything. But yeah, took 15 minutes and the inspection plus two blades was just over $24. Woohoo!
Then it was off to Abilene to spend the day at the zoo. Which, the Abilene Zoo is an AMAZING zoo, especially given that it isn’t a massive zoo. I’m used to the Fort Worth and Dallas Zoos that are MASSIVE. But this little zoo manages to pack in a LOT in such a small area.
I am bummed that my favorite snake – an East African Green Mamba – isn’t on display any more. I got so many amazing photos of that guy. I swear, he KNEW the impressive poses to take and would hold them for quite a while to allow for some truly amazing shots. And that uniform brilliant lime green? Just striking. Instead, they have a West African Green Mamba, which is still a pretty snake, but nowhere as stunning at the East. I plan to message the Abilene Zoo through Facebook and inquire after my favorite guy. ::chuckles:: And the King Cobra was active as well. Got some nice photos of him. I swear his head and the vast majority of his body is as thick as my upper arm. That is a BIG snake – I figure he’s close to the 18-foot length (max length for king cobras).
And then my husband sends me this photo:
Saying that the brick wall is mostly down now. ::laughs:: I thought I could leave him unsupervised at home, but apparently not! ::laughs:: We have discussed taking down part of that brick wall as it cuts off a third of the side yard from view. And guess where Josey likes to lay and eat grass as long as we will let her? Yep, in that part blocked from view by the wall. ::laughs:: So it’s not like he’s just out destroying parts of the house all willy-nilly, but I didn’t think he’d start on that right now! He just finished up a TON of house work while he was on his Staycation, so I was hoping he would have been too tired to do anything. But apparently I was WRONG!
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