written: October 18th
Photo for today:
My skull decal arrived today – the one I’ll use for my Samhain
candle. I won’t be using the crossed bones at the bottom. I just need
the skull. Now I just need to pick up the white 7-day candle I plan to
put this skull decal on. And I need to gather the names of my Beloved
Dead to write on the candle. Crap. I really need to get a move on
that. Halloween/Samhain is 13 days away. Which sounds like plenty of
time…but holy hell. Time has been disappearing on me left and right.
I took Josey on a MUCH needed walk. We didn’t walk Monday or Tuesday
for a variety of reasons. But damn, did we BOTH need the walk today.
Soon I’ll need to switch over to walking her before my after school
program, as it’s getting dark earlier and earlier now. Hurray for
Autumn! I never really synced up with the seasons like this until now.
But in the house, I can tell that the sun’s position moves throughout
the year. I can track it. And I really like that. It takes me deeper
into the natural rhythms that we Pagans are supposed to be all about.
I am still working on my list of new goals for my 36th year. That
birthday is coming up in 23 days. And again, sounds like plenty of time
when you are just looking at numbers on a page, but given how I blink
and days have disappeared? I have a feeling this birthday is going to
completely bum rush me out of left field and drag me into a dark alley
before beating me over the head. ::laughs::
Hell, while we are counting down here, how about days that TRULY matter.
Just 33 days until Thanksgiving Break. A entire WEEK of no students and no course work. Can’t wait.
And just 54 days until this course semester is over…and then just 8 days
after that, we are out for Winter Break. Not like I’m counting down or
anything. ::chuckles:: Ten COMPLETE days off of work. Gods, what
I do need to talk with my University and get the specifications on my
required “Practicum”. I have to work with a degreed Librarian for a
certain amount of time. I am HOPING that I can volunteer in the school
library at the elementary school I run my after school program through.
That would be AMAZING. And it sure as shit would be easier on me than
driving to some library to work in the mornings, to then drive to the
elementary school to run the after school program. Though, honestly, I
should probably make it a point to try to do my practicum at a library
that I would want to work at, to help me my foot in the door for a
possible job in the future. ::sighs:: I’m just so very, very tired
right now that I can’t really comprehend doing MORE. Which that final
semester is going to require from me. I just can’t look that far in the
future at the moment. I’ve gotta keep my eye on the end of this
semester. Honestly, that’s as far as I can look into the future.
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