Today’s “October Inner Witch Photo Challenge” prompt was candles….but given that I saw a beautiful rainbow upon leaving work….yeah that’s what today’s photo is of:

I will need to take a photo of some candles soon enough to catch up on the Inner Witch Photo Challenge. ::chuckles:: Just not today. Prompts are nice and all, because they challenge me to photograph things that I would normally overlook. But when nature gives you something that spectacular? Yeah, I will go with that in a heartbeat, every single time. And given that the rainbow kept getting stronger the longer I was out there. Typically, I catch rainbows towards the end of their life, and so the first photo I take is always the best. But this one? It just kept getting better and better. The colors were stronger. I was hoping it would eventually develop into a full rainbow, but it did not quite achieve that. But still. A very nice rainbow. ::smiles::
Kindly, the storms held off until after I walked Josey to start rumbling in. Josey and I tried out the other walking loop and did fairly well. Only one loose dog. ::sighs:: Another little yappy shit. I need to get a slingshot and just peg those damn dogs. Take a pebble to the rib cage and they just might think twice about coming after my dog and I. Josey and I didn’t complete the loop like I hoped, as there were just way too many people out and about. I think I will hold off on this particular loop until it cools off enough that Josey and I can walk it in the early afternoons before I go to work. Hopefully then, the people will be elsewhere and we can walk there without any issues.
Surprise, surprise, my new aide will not be starting today…but tomorrow. Apparently, today, my new aide has to do the “new hire” training. Which I would be very curious to know what exactly that entails their “new hire” training…because my new aides come in not knowing shit. Hell, they don’t even know how to clock in to get paid for their time! I need to email Janice (the Program Assistant) and inquire what exact they are “training” the aides on during these “training sessions”. That would really help me know what all I need to train my staff on when they get onto my campus. Because this hit and miss bullshit just is not helping me or my campus in the end at all. ::chuckles::
Or honestly, I should just work on developing my own training “manual” of sorts for my campus. And if I end up covering something that was covered in their “new hire training”, well, at least it was DEFINITELY covered at this point. ::chuckles:: Just sucks that if the aides miss the week of orientation training that takes place the week before school starts, then they receive ZERO training before being tossed into the program. Whatever happened to ensuring they know the basics so that they are set up to SUCCEED and be good workers? Oh well. At least this way, I can train them for MY campus and the way I want/need it run and they don’t come to my campus with preconceived ideas that I have to train out of them. ::laughs:: How’s THAT for a positive spin?
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