Photo for today:

Impromptu family photo. Me, Josey, and David. Just missing Leviathan…but she’s currently in the process of shedding so she’s grumpy. And I’m not sure how well it would have worked out trying to have Leviathan in the photo. ::chuckles::
So my husband sold the futon today. It’s something we’ve been wanting to do for a while now, but just haven’t ever gotten around to. And he’s such a good guy…typically on things like this we would split the money 50/50…but I recently had some BIG repairs done on my car, that he told me the money was 100% for me. AND he’s helping me pay off part of the balance on that repair work as well. So I guess I should stop bitching about ALL the work he’s been doing on the house while he’s been on vacation. ::chuckles:: EXCEPT the bitching I do about him using spray paint INSIDE the house, but refusing to open any doors or windows to ventilate that shit. Nothing sucks MORE than to come home from a crazy day at work with my lil hoodlums and get a massive headache because my house smells like a huffer’s DREAM. ::grumbles:: Oh well, at least today was perfect weather to open all the doors and windows to air out the house.
During Winter Break I am going to tackle, clean, and organize my closet of doom. It is terrifyingly huge – like seriously MASSIVE. And thus super unorganized. I need to take before and after photos and should get the measurements as well. It’s crazy big – bigger than my husband’s and his area is technically the “master” area. To be honest, I think my bedroom is bigger. Or at least it feels that way because I have high ceiling and my husband’s room has very low ceilings. So even though I am upstairs, I really feel like I got the (much) better room. ::chuckles::
So going back to the #MeToo campaign that I touched on yesterday – I am LOVING the outpouring of understanding from men that I am seeing to this. I see so many that are absolutely HORRIFIED at how many women are speaking up on the #MeToo and that we are also stressing that there are a number of women who aren’t posting it because they do not feel safe enough, or the trauma is too fresh for them to openly share. So many men are asking for real pointers on how they can make it better for all of us. And that really gives me hope. It certainly doesn’t make it better right now. It doesn’t take away any of the trauma I’ve survived and endured. But it gives me hope that maybe the children I’m teaching right now…that maybe the stats on sexual harassment/assault will be lower for that group.
Another surprising thing that the #MeToo campaign has brought up is the #YesIDid hashtag. It’s where people (men and women) are admitting that they have pushed the boundaries on sexual harassment. I like it because it’s breaking the stereotype of “bad people” do such things. Because until we recognize these things IN OURSELVES…that we are a part of the problem…it will never get any better.
And yes. I’ve pushed the boundaries of physical touch with men and women. I’ve not requested consent from people, even people I consider good friends, before I’ve kissed them or cuddled up with them, or put my hands on them in a sexual manner. And I am deeply sorry for that. Most of them, I have already apologized for because years ago I recognized it as shitty behavior on my part and have worked to make amends for said shitty ass behavior on my part.
AND I’ve also been one of those females that didn’t always speak up. I didn’t always say no when I meant no. I didn’t always speak up when someone was making me uncomfortable. And I didn’t always speak up when people have said inappropriate things or done inappropriate things, to me or to others.
So now, the challenge is to do better and be better.
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