Wednesday, October 25, 2017

PMS & Goals

written: October 24th

Photo for today:


Beautiful waxing moon hanging in the evening sky this evening, as Josey and I started out on our walk.

Holy PMS Batman. I have been devouring everything in sight. I mean EVERYTHING. ::sighs:: At least I am not feeling as aggravated as I typically do during this time. Normally, I have ZERO patience right about now. Two days of headaches is really sucking though. I think I am going to make note of those and see if that is a new PMS symptom as well.

Dude, if I could get rid of periods right now, I would do it in a heartbeat. I am honestly thinking of discussion options for this with my gynecologist when I see her in January. I mean, I am never having children – I got my tubes tied. So is there really any reason for me to have to endure 6+ days of menstruation, with the first two of those days being HORRIBLY painful? I would keep my ovaries, just so I would not have to go on hormone therapy, but why do I need a damn uterus? I have ZERO use for it and it is only causing me misery. Let’s talk about some options here, because this is not enjoyable. And I am NOT looking forward to another 30 years of this shit. And given that I have been doing this since I was 13 – yeah, I am totally ready for that shit to end. ::chuckles::

I never did actually get around to doing a New Moon ritual. But I have sat down and reevaluated my goals and plans and have been working actively on setting up my 36 Goals for my 36th Year. I will spend the next few weeks between now and my birthday to really hone them and all that jazz. I plan to print it out and put it in my BaBuJo (Bastardized Bullet Journal). And the plan from there is to update it through the month as I accomplish said goals and at the end of the month, print out an updated version to add to the next month’s set up in my BaBuJo. I am HOPING that by forcing myself to do this each month, it will help keep these goals in the forefront of my mind and thus keep me actively striving towards achieving them. Wish me luck! ::laughs:: I am wicked good at MAKING goals…..but damn do I suck at achieving them. ::laughs::

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