Photo for today:

My “Traditional” Batman jack-o-lantern. I did this years ago for my husband, and it’s now become a tradition for me to carve a batman one and a regular one. The fact that I get double the pumpkin seeds is irrelevant. ::chuckles::
So on a whim today, I called my Credit Card Company in hopes of negotiating a lower APR (as mine is currently set at 15.99%). I have had this account since 2000 and have been REALLY good about not missing a payment and making at LEAST the minimum payment, sometimes MORE each month for the past 5 years for sure. So you would think they would be down with rewarding me for that, right?
Yeah, that would be a big fat NOPE. Seems my balance is too high….so because I have a high balance, I have a high APR, and if I had a lower balance, I would have a lower APR. That does not sound shitty at all. And when I said it that way to the Credit Card Representative on the phone, to make sure I was understanding what he was telling me….even he agreed that it sounded really bad when you say it out loud.
So yeah, now I’m looking into possibly getting a credit card that has 0% balance transfers or at least really low APRs to justify transferring my balance over from This Credit Card Company. And once that is done, I will post all about it on The Credit Card Company’s Facebook page how shitty they treated me and then close down my account with them.
And once that balance is completely paid off, I will put that card away and ONLY use it in the case of extreme emergencies. Everything else will be paid for in cash. Which really makes me want to apply for the Zone Leader position. Going from $22k to 50k a year would greatly aid me in getting out of debt and setting aside a good nest egg.
But, if I were to land that job, then I would seriously have to either put my Master’s degree on hold…or I will have to cut back to just one course a semester. With this job, I would be working 40 hours a week AND during the summer, which again…means more money and not having to hunt for a summer job (or take a major pay cut to work the Tech Job). But it also means zero off time to really finish off my Master’s degree.
I think it may be time to turn to the Tarot cards to see what I’m not seeing…to aid in bringing me a step closer to making a decision. In the meantime, it won’t hurt to go ahead and make my resume, along with the cover letter. And it won’t hurt to at least apply. If I do land an actual offer, then I can make a real decision at that point. There are a lot of hurdles between here and there. But it is worth a good, honest try.
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