Photo for today:
“Cauldron” scented oil from Sage Goddess – takes care of the Inner Witch October Photo Challenge #12.
First day back at work this week. Thank goodness it’s Hump Day already. ::laughs:: One aide will be out Thursday and Friday…another will be out Friday as well. Hopefully we will get a sub on Friday. If not, that Friday the 13th is going to SUCK. But I’m trying not to stress over that right now.
I got my Midterm grade back today – I got a 93! Woohoo! It brings my grade up to an 88 for the class. I got an 80 on the “Archives in the News” paper I did a while back, so that did bump my grade down. But at least the Midterm is bringing it back up. I just need to get back into the swing of the weekly reading and posting for the class – I’ve had the past two weeks off from all of that due to working on the Midterm. But yeah, gotta get back to the basics of the class once again.
Since I am taking the Hubs to his annual check-up with the VA tomorrow, I’ve taken the liberty of printing out all the stuff I need to read. That way I have something to read while I wait on him to get his blood drawn and all that jazz. Hopefully that appointment goes swiftly so I won’t to be late to work.
Aggression levels have been off the damn charts today. Everything is just pissing me the fuck off. Even normal little things that typically would not be an issue…or would be a minor issue…are making me want to punch walls or people or something.
Like an old “friend” (from my LARPing days) commented on the whole Boy Scouts will be allowing girls to join. Which I personally think is AWESOME. Instead, this “friend” comments “Don’t girls have their own scouts? Or are they admitting that a woman run scouts is inferior?” Like, excuse the fuck out of me. ::shakes her head:: It is taking everything I am to not burn his damn page the ground.
BUT, Sekhmet’s challenged me to pick and choose my battles better. So I’m taking a deep breath and asking myself if this battle is worth it. Would me arguing with him, pointing out his misogynist words and view point are disgusting, etc. – really do any good? Sadly, no. It would not. And that’s terrible, especially considering that he has a daughter. ::shakes her head:: So, I’m opting not to engage him at this time. But holy crap. I want to shred him viciously over this crap. I mean, really? INFERIOR because it’s woman led? Like holy shit – say that shit in my actual physical presence and I will fucking END you.

“Cauldron” scented oil from Sage Goddess – takes care of the Inner Witch October Photo Challenge #12.
First day back at work this week. Thank goodness it’s Hump Day already. ::laughs:: One aide will be out Thursday and Friday…another will be out Friday as well. Hopefully we will get a sub on Friday. If not, that Friday the 13th is going to SUCK. But I’m trying not to stress over that right now.
I got my Midterm grade back today – I got a 93! Woohoo! It brings my grade up to an 88 for the class. I got an 80 on the “Archives in the News” paper I did a while back, so that did bump my grade down. But at least the Midterm is bringing it back up. I just need to get back into the swing of the weekly reading and posting for the class – I’ve had the past two weeks off from all of that due to working on the Midterm. But yeah, gotta get back to the basics of the class once again.
Since I am taking the Hubs to his annual check-up with the VA tomorrow, I’ve taken the liberty of printing out all the stuff I need to read. That way I have something to read while I wait on him to get his blood drawn and all that jazz. Hopefully that appointment goes swiftly so I won’t to be late to work.
Aggression levels have been off the damn charts today. Everything is just pissing me the fuck off. Even normal little things that typically would not be an issue…or would be a minor issue…are making me want to punch walls or people or something.
Like an old “friend” (from my LARPing days) commented on the whole Boy Scouts will be allowing girls to join. Which I personally think is AWESOME. Instead, this “friend” comments “Don’t girls have their own scouts? Or are they admitting that a woman run scouts is inferior?” Like, excuse the fuck out of me. ::shakes her head:: It is taking everything I am to not burn his damn page the ground.
BUT, Sekhmet’s challenged me to pick and choose my battles better. So I’m taking a deep breath and asking myself if this battle is worth it. Would me arguing with him, pointing out his misogynist words and view point are disgusting, etc. – really do any good? Sadly, no. It would not. And that’s terrible, especially considering that he has a daughter. ::shakes her head:: So, I’m opting not to engage him at this time. But holy crap. I want to shred him viciously over this crap. I mean, really? INFERIOR because it’s woman led? Like holy shit – say that shit in my actual physical presence and I will fucking END you.
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